Looking for good video editing software and laptop

I'm having the same problem :/ Looking for a new editing software that you can really be creative with like Adobe Premiere Pro, except that my laptop can't run Premiere Pro since it needs a 64bit OS. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Save yourself ALOT of money and essemble your computer. This is ambitious but actually quite easy if you take some time to follow one of the many guides on the internet. I'd recommend scan.co.uk if you're in the UK.

Video editing I'd recommend Adobe suite but if you not looking to do extensive graphic design then you may not need this. I use Adobe Premiere and After Effects which in my opinion are excellent.

Actual computer hardware: 8gb+ ram, i7 processor and a decent Nvidia GTX graphics card. Ideally you also want a HHD (Hard Disk Drive) of around 1TB+ and also a SSD (Solid State Drive) for having your Operating System installed on as well as your editing programs.
Dell has a solid track record in my book. Their machines have always run, and haven't let me down yet!
Well that's good to hear! Which dell do you use?[DOUBLEPOST=1477768154,1477767969][/DOUBLEPOST]
Save yourself ALOT of money and essemble your computer. This is ambitious but actually quite easy if you take some time to follow one of the many guides on the internet. I'd recommend scan.co.uk if you're in the UK.

Video editing I'd recommend Adobe suite but if you not looking to do extensive graphic design then you may not need this. I use Adobe Premiere and After Effects which in my opinion are excellent.

Actual computer hardware: 8gb+ ram, i7 processor and a decent Nvidia GTX graphics card. Ideally you also want a HHD (Hard Disk Drive) of around 1TB+ and also a SSD (Solid State Drive) for having your Operating System installed on as well as your editing programs.
Thank's for the detailed tips homie! :P and what exactly is after effects? Is that for visual effects on your video? Just asking because you say you use that and adobe premiere.
Well that's good to hear! Which dell do you use?[DOUBLEPOST=1477768154,1477767969][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thank's for the detailed tips homie! :p and what exactly is after effects? Is that for visual effects on your video? Just asking because you say you use that and adobe premiere.
No problem at all!

Premiere is the editing software for compositing, cutting and splicing your clips and sounds. After Effects is a Motion Graphics program that is separate from premiere but works in sync with it through 'Dynamic link'. After Effects is great for making motion graphics, effects and even 2D/3D work. You'd use AE for your intros/outros, and any other effects you'd want in your video. I can't use photoshop (Noob) so I even design my cover photos, display pictures and thumbnails in AE.

All the best!
No problem at all!

Premiere is the editing software for compositing, cutting and splicing your clips and sounds. After Effects is a Motion Graphics program that is separate from premiere but works in sync with it through 'Dynamic link'. After Effects is great for making motion graphics, effects and even 2D/3D work. You'd use AE for your intros/outros, and any other effects you'd want in your video. I can't use photoshop (Noob) so I even design my cover photos, display pictures and thumbnails in AE.

All the best!
Oooooh i see now. Man i have a lot to learn. But thanks again! :) see you around
I always go for Dell! But I think HP is good too.

I second this HP is good![DOUBLEPOST=1478007167,1478007032][/DOUBLEPOST]I personally use Sony Movie Studio and have a Desktop so i don't know much about laptop specs haha. However you will want at least 8 gigs of ram, A decent graphics card, and CPU. Video editing is intensive and taxing on a computer.
I second this HP is good![DOUBLEPOST=1478007167,1478007032][/DOUBLEPOST]I personally use Sony Movie Studio and have a Desktop so i don't know much about laptop specs haha. However you will want at least 8 gigs of ram, A decent graphics card, and CPU. Video editing is intensive and taxing on a computer.
Hmmm okay i'll keep that in mind! And yeah I heard 4k and 6k video are massively taxing. I havnt dipped into that yet but im sure i will in the future.[DOUBLEPOST=1478010662][/DOUBLEPOST]
well maybe get a second hand mac and torrent final cut pro x
That was an option for me at first until some of my friends were like in a few years that mac will become obsolete and you wont be able to have the latest and greatest software because you can't upgrate it you need to buy a whole new laptop. And also the limits on gaming that a Mac has and other things.. And i was like well i want something that will last 7 - 10 years and so they said find a PC or Laptop that you can switch out components in and make it last as long as possible. For all of you Mac users out there.. is it true that you need to buy a new one every few years to stay updated?... kind of like how once your iphone is old enough you stop getting updates on it, which means you can't update your apps and your forced to buy a whole new one?