Voice Acting Looking for a VA with a Scottish/Irish Accent

if Gaffer doesn't pull through, I can always give you my best rendition of an accent! :p most likely the worst thing you'll ever here and it'll most likely sound more australian (somehow). so for all of our sakes, we should put our faith in Gaffer!
if Gaffer doesn't pull through, I can always give you my best rendition of an accent! :p most likely the worst thing you'll ever here and it'll most likely sound more australian (somehow). so for all of our sakes, we should put our faith in Gaffer!
I'll be the Scottish guy to save us all! :P
No bother, anything specific you want me to say? :)
"That wasn't very nice on either of your parts. I say ye both apologize. We're looking like immature fools in front of our lady friends. " If you can manage a deep and mature tone with that, it'd be great. :P
Reina , just like the Youtuber BartBaker does, find the person you need to craigslist , no hassle :)
What's Craigslist again? o_o[DOUBLEPOST=1369153438,1369153430][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'll give it a go :)
Yay! ^^[DOUBLEPOST=1369153764][/DOUBLEPOST]
if Gaffer doesn't pull through, I can always give you my best rendition of an accent! :p most likely the worst thing you'll ever here and it'll most likely sound more australian (somehow). so for all of our sakes, we should put our faith in Gaffer!
There's no harm in trying. You can send in your demo reel to me if you want.