Commentary Looking for a guest star (New podcast!)

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If you are ever in need of another guest, I will be happy to jump on for an episode. It may be a good idea to send the guests a list of the topics you plan on covering so they can check out the news stories if they haven't heard of a couple. :)

- Callum

Edit: One day I will remember to put "- Callum" without having to go back and edit. xD
Hello everyone! @PodcastTalk and I have decided to start a new podcast.
We've already come up with a format: The episodes will be 30 minutes each. We will talk about 6 topics, each being 5 minutes. 5 of the topics will be about something that happens the week we record or other topics that we want to talk about. The 6th topic will be a topic we design around the guest.
For the first podcast, we will talk about stuff about ourselves; topics like favorite games, why we started youtube, and just generally get to know each other.
What we need: We are in need of a name for the podcast. We would greatly appreciate it.
And we will also need a guest for the first episode. If you don't mind spending 30 minutes talking weird stuff with me and @PodcastTalk (I'm crazy btw). We still do not know when we will record, because I am unsure when my new mic will arrive. However, we will notify you.
Thanks for reading this! :D

This is cool count us interested !
"Sit Down!"
"6 Topics (To Go)"
"(Underline) _Talk" I like this one!

The only way to show you I'm capable to be Podcast Commentator is for you to check my Channel. Click the red button and if you're interested send me a message here or from the "about" tab on my YouTube Channel...!
This is an old thread is from 2014, and the original posters may no longer use the forums. Please do not bump old threads. I'm locking this to prevent confusion.
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