Lighting, microphone,...

I too use a Canon 600D Woo! I'm using the Røde Videomic Pro which is about $220AU. I love it. Plugs straight into your mic input on your camera and gives very clear audio... Once you figure how to use it. I didn't read the instructions :p I use it in my newer videos. ↓ like the one down there. I also use an extension cable and a flash stand for when I'm away from camera.

Lighting wise I use two soft boxes which I picked up in a great eBay deal similar to this one. It comes with the two soft boxes, three backdrops and all fits into one easy to travel bag. Worth it. You can see these lights in action in this video.

Hope I could be of help.
Wooooaaahhh!! I didn't even think of that! BONUS FEATURE! (I even have a lavalier mic at home)
Thx for the tip! \o/
But I guess I can't leave both running at the same time, can I? E.g. interviewing people with the internal mic and also record my voice with the lav mic.
No - it's a line-in function. The attached mic will override the built in mic. The built in gets great localized audio as well - just keep an eye out for the H1 accessory kit. It has a small tripod you can connect the H1 to, a really nice case for it to keep it safe in your bag, a wind screen, a handle, and - best of all - a USB outlet adapter so you can use the recorder without eating another AA battery.
Got it today actually! Only did a really quick test but was veeeeeery happy with it. Super crisp sound when speaking directly into it and also so much better than the internal mic of my camera when standing away from it so that it is not in the screen. (Attached it to a chair below me with some spider leg tripod thingy...quite cool). And it's also pretty cool that it is stereo.
I've found that audio is often, arguably, more important than visuals. If you have an amazing looking video with cruddy audio you're more likely to lose your audience. But great audio with mediocre camera/ lights, people will stick around longer. That said, a well lit subject is extremely important. Lights depends on your budget, aim for soft boxes. I can recommend dedolight, but they're a bit pricey.
My lecturer explained that audio is more important than video by saying that we can stop seeing by just closing our eyes. We have to be unconscious to stop hearing.
I use a Rode Videomic Pro, I think I bought it used on Amazon for $100. I'm new to youtube, but I think the Rode Videomic Pro is a good choice and is simple to use.
Everybody thanks for your comments! I'm going to buy the Rode Videomic tomorrow! :) I also have an appointment with a lighting specialist because I just can't decide!