Lighting help for a new vlogger


Well-Known Member
I'm a game commentator so sound quality is always a bigger objective for me. But recently I was looking into Vlogging more on my channel, so I bought a Toshiba Camileo p100 which is pretty good for a low budget camera (according to reviews and asking other youtubers) however its main problem is that is doesnt work so well under lower lighting.
My rooms lighting is pretty bad, its too low when the lights are on and too harsh when my curtains are open during the day.
To remedy this I was looking to get a better lighting set-up for my room for the lowest amount possible. (I'm a poor student)
softboxes seem like the way foreward but they are hella' expensive.

what are you guys/gals recommendations for lighting at a lower budget?
I have two windows In front of where i film which I let the light partly in (I have blinds) and also I never film at midday or where the sun may be shining into the windows (dawn or dusk) Any other time is best to film with natural light during the day :D
Natural light is the cheapest/best light source you can get. Since the light is too harsh in the day, get a white sheer curtain to cover the window-that will diffuse the light and make is usable. You can get a set for under $10.
What he said is the cheapest and easiest.. You second choice is get a couple cheap lamps and some china balls to put over top.. That will set you back any where from 10 - 30 bucks.
As a note, you can get fairly cheap softboxes on amazon.
As for sound quality, you might want to look into Red Bullet's DualEyes ^^
Softboxes may be cheaper nowadays, but they take up SPACE. As a poor student, you might not have the lavish space for a 3 point lighting setup in your doom room.

A REALLY cheap fix for your daylight problems is buying a roll of wax paper and some masking tape, and covering your window to diffuse the lighting. That will help your camera from peaking on the highs. Sure it'll be a pain to take down and put up, but it's the cheapest fix I can think of!
^ like most people said, daylight coming in around blinds and curtains and lamps near you, or on you are probably your best bet :p
When it comes to lighting their are two different types of light. Yellow light and white light. When it comes to film you typically want to use white light to make it seem more natural. Yellow light simply does not look too good for your typical film. Although natural light is obviously the cheapest it is unreliable and does not give you any creative choices when lighting your talent. What I suggest is getting white lightbulbs from your local store and arrange lamps around you until you get the lighting style you choose. This will be the cost of lightbulbs. If you are wanting your own fixtures you can go to a hardware store and buy clamp lights and place your white lightbulbs inside of this. This would be your best choice when it comes to consistent and good quality lighting.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I have decided to buy a couple lights and what can only be described as a Chinese white paper lampshade to diffuse the light.

All of your suggestions are brilliant and I will be looking into slightly higher quality over time if I decide to Vlog on a regular basis.