Let's make the perfect thumbnail

Every time I've posted for a channel review, I've gotten different advice on what I should include in my thumbnails. So, I really like the idea of this thread. I'm still trying and experimenting with how I do thumbnails.
I like making outlines around thumbnails and my videos in the future I am gonna start make curved edges so it looks like a circular rectangle.
This is a great thread! Do you think this depends on your niche to a point?

I had learned to use similar template for each one. Your logo and maybe word in similar place. I'm not a fan of over the top click bate stuff either and try to keep it clean and very relavent
For mine I go with repetition. I like when I look at the suggested videos I can pick out the videos of the people I know I like. I personally try to use a lot of white space and I just started making sure I was in each one. I kinda feel like it isn't the way to go. It seems a bit too basic but they will work for now until I get everything else figured out.