Lets connect - twitter/yttalk/youtube/facebook

Oh gosh, I'm all over the internet. Haha. Please feel free to like, follow, subscribe, etc. as much or as little as you want (though of course, I would prefer the former ;))

YouTube: youtube.com/AnnaLovesVlogging
Facebook: facebook.com/annalovesvlogging
Twitter: twitter.com/pinkscarf
Tumblr: annalovesvlogging.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/annalovesvlogging

My goal is to have 100 likes on my Facebook page before the end of the year. Please help me out with this goal! It only takes a second and it would make my entire year. :)
Followed you on twitter, Please follow back
Also followed you, Please follow back if you like ;)
Hello my friends and yttalkers.
I am opening a post for you all share your social media names and inks.
lets get connected :)

twitter : http://twitter.com/fxchannelhouse
youtube : http://www.youtube.com/fxchannelhouse
facebook : http://www.facebook.com/dobragaat
Please follow back aswell :D