Hi , i im with iFree network aswell, the best network a have been with so far, tho i havnt recieved any payments after 20 of febuary, i emailed them 2 times, asking for help, first time was like 30 of feb, they replyed that they have some technical difficulties and they payments will be sent as soon as possible, i emailed them again couple of days ago and they emailed me back today saying:
"Sorry for the delay but we need to wait till next month YouTube report and confirmed payment. There are a lot of channels checking in YouTube now and they are disabling monetization of many channels that they think may have bad content.
So please be patient all payments will be cleared when we get all confirmed form YouTube."
To be honest , i fully trust them, they were very legit and supportive so far, and since the problem is with every network i have 0 doubt about them.
I hope that helps you Robertjones, and everyone else having the same issue with other networks, i guess all networks have the same problem i stated above.
I emailed them back after that asking to tell me what they mean about next months report and if it will be early of april or late of april, i will let you guys now as soon as i will get a reply back.
I hope i helped.
Thank you for the great information. I haven't got any email from them although I've sent them multiple emails over 1 month. I trusted them too and it was the best network because of the daily payments which sometimes took less than hour to receive them after requesting and fast support but now things look bad.
I know 1 user who is partnered with them and got small payment ($10) from iFree on 20th March but I'm waiting multiple big payments from them since 16th February.
The message they sent you looks bit fishy, because they might cheat their users by saying that Youtube reclaimed the payments etc like Creative Nation did years ago (become scam and got closed by stealing users revenue).
I'm planning to unlink my channel from them because they delay payments for too long (end of April or never). If they had replied me back once I probably wouldn't have made that decision.
If you get any new info from them then let me know, thanks

+ Is your iFree dashboard showing updates of daily earnings after 26th March?