Ah, Mallet!

Good for slowing, hehe. What kind of OP items would you recommend me to get for Teemo? I just won a game with Tristana. xD
What i would recommend should be adjustable for most of games so:
Need magic damage, need to burst/assassinate/etc then go for
-sorcboots/mobility(if you plan on ganking a lot, but i usually change for sorc when the teamfight phase starts) with homeguard enchant, you could get alacrity or the red one(forgot the name ahaha), homeguard is better if you are behind and need to be quick to defend towers, also if you like teleport. Alacrity or the red ones are better if you plan on kiting a lot and such could be better for attackspeed based builds, on this case is not that necessary
-for the last item you probably should judge on their team, it is hard to survive burst or combos, get a banshee or ga, if you are having trouble with bruisers going all-in, get a rylai or mallet and kite them dead
The order should be according to your needs, if you are winning you can go straight for more damage, also depending on your lane, even when winning if i am top i like to go with a mix of ofense and defense, when i am mid i usually end up getting the offensive site first since the extra damage can help getting kills when ganking, hourglass is a very interesting ofensive/defensive item to start sometimes, but you need to remember to use it always, so you can get the most of it.
If you are top aganist some heavy melee bruiser i usually go for:
- mallet
- spirit of the lizard elder
- blade of the ruined king
- runaan hurricane
- berserker greaves or mercury threads(sometimes tabi if there is a lot of physical)
- wits end(if there is some annoying magic damage) or randuims omen (lots of physical)
I like this build on teemo, it might seem a little weird, but it works, the lizard elder true damage dot is awesome with your poison and do wonders aganist the enemy top sustain and resistances, the mallet is for kiting and survivability, the hurricane is very nice on teemo, since you can apply poison, true damage dot, blade of the ruined king passive and the mallet slow on 3 targets at once! On each attack, also the wits end do that as well, but i get it only if i need an extra magic resist, if you go randuim it will be really really hard for someone to stick to you, it will also be very hard do duel you since you will have a blind, a lot of damage and you will be slowing their attack speed.
On this build i usually get the hurricane as the third or forth item, depending when the game is getting more teamfight heavy, if the enemy team dont have a lot of bruisers with gap closers you can consider getting something else instead, but, i usually get it since it gives teemo a lot more pushing power, and its nice if you plan to do splitpush.
<3 Tristana ahahah, she is one of my favorite champs, all those rocket jumps
My favorite adcs by far are Tristana and Vayne, although i kinda like them all(except for sivir, i dont like her much, but she is ok i think)