I'm not trying to "play it off" at all. There are 116 champions in League of Legends. I'm sure you can imagine how long it will take to gather quality footage of them all even with the people I currently have helping me. Sure, it's an opportunity. Aren't all collabs? That's kinda the point... But it is also a request for help because it's a big project.
I'm not sure what you mean by her point? Which one? The guides being outdated? I'll get to that in a sec and assume you mean the people writing content part. As for that I suppose I should have been more clear. What I am primarily looking for is gameplay footage. The other information is more just if people feel like providing it. I've been playing League long enough that I have built up a large list of League contacts so I have people to help me with the information side of things in those contacts. This is also why I already have several people chipping in, simply because we are are League friends. Finally, not everyone can preform the video editing to make a guide and there is a lot of work in that side of things. Someone providing me ~250 words of advice (which I have written for several champions in <5 minutes) and then me assembling and editing it into a video guide (takes far more than 5 minutes) is far from an uneven split of effort. But again, I didn't mean to imply that I needed this information. It would just be helpful and save some time. Looking back I see I was far from clear on that point (read: I totally wrote it wrong to begin with >,<).
Also, as I stated before, I'm quite aware of pre-season changes and am taking that into account 100% going forward. Gameplay footage will be largely unchanged however. The actual content of the guide is what is most likely to change. And I'm in no hurry to make them. As we are all aware, pre-season changes could easily make some of these guides invalid and I have no intention of having that happen because I rushed something out.