Gaming League of Legends Gameplay Needed!


Greetings everyone! I am about to start a new League of Legends series in which I will be providing short video guides for every champion in the game. Now, first off, I am not an expert at every champion in the game. Secondly, creating gameplay footage for every champion by myself will take forever and a day... So here is what I'm looking for:

I need gameplay footage of any and all champions you can play well (don't need expert play, but high level play is ideal). I also am looking for the following info on those champions: What items should they build and in what order? What skills should they level and in what order? And two or three brief general tips on how to play the champion (if you can demonstrate these tips in your gameplay that would be amazing).

All credit for the content of the guide and gameplay footage would go to you and I'd direct people to your channel. In turn you could direct people to the guides themselves. I would do all the video editing involved with actually putting the guide together and upload the guide to my channel.

Here are champions I already have footage for from myself and other players that are collaborating with me, as such I don't need any footage for these champions (unless you have exceptional footage, in which case I'd love to see it!): Jinx, Ashe, Sivir, Annie, Cho'Gath, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Gangplank, Garen, Irelia, Kayle, Leona, Malphite, and Teemo.

So, can anyone help me out? Thanks!
Ok I have a few qualms about your way of making videos, first of all WHY are you making guides, if it's because you want people to be informed, why not just let people who are really good do it!? And why can't you get your own footage!? That way it would be way easier to explain what went through your mind and why you made which decisions.

But how about this, I'll give you gameplay footage if you can actually provide substantial knowledge about league of legends to make a guide. If you can't answer theese 5 simple questions, then you're in no way shape or form qualified to make a guide for other players to follow.

Let's start with one of the most basic things.

What do you do in theese 5 situations.

1: You are going equal in lane versus Akali, their team consists of 3 ad champs, 1 ap, and a hybrid toplaner. Their botlane is slightly in front, and your jungler is the tank of the team. She is rushing Hextech gunblade. What do you build?, and why?

2: You are playing Nocturne jungle, your toplaner is Tryndamere building glass cannon, your team is slightly behind, what is your core, and what do you rush after your core? How many wards do you buy in the midgame? where do you place theese wards?

3: You are in a lategame teamfight, you're playing as Malphite, their adc is Ezreal, and your adc is Miss Fortune. Their frontline Riven is going on your adc, but their Ezreal is doing dps from a safe distance. Do you peel for mf, or do you go chasing Ezreal seeing as they have no peel!? Their support is sona, yours is Thresh. Also WHY did you chose that.

4: You just aced the enemy team 30 minutes into the game, in which order do theese hold priority? A tower, an inhibitor, Baron, Dragon. Name them where the first is the most important and so on. And why.

5: You're playing Lee Sin jungle, your team is awfully behind, which lane do you focus on ganking when all 3 opposing lanes are pushing. None of their lanes have any escape mechanisms, and your top/bot are feeding very hard. Also please explain why you chose the lane that you chose.

If you answer theese simple questions to my satisfaction I'll provide you with as much footage for any champion you want, I know how to play 90% of the champions in League, and I'm mechanically superior with a core 10-15.

Edit: it honestly does not matter whether theese are champs you know fluently or not, it's such basic knowledge that if you can't understand building/counterbuilding and the other things I mentioned. You shouldn't begin to make a guide about LoL.
I've played League for over two years and am Plat 2 >,> I'm not a pro, but I'm not making "pro" guides either. I'm making quick guides to point newer players in the correct direction so they don't fall into the pits that so many new players do when it comes to champions. These guides will be about 60ish seconds in length after editing and aim to help players have a solid framework to work off of. I also intend to make clear these guides are for newer players, because they are. If you need a guide to tell you the basics of building a champ then you are not even close to being ready for ranked or high level play. Fact of the matter is League is an intimidating game with an intimidating community. The goal here is just to provide some friendly advice so people aren't building Doran's Knuckle Dusters.

No short guide can account for every situation. Sometimes you need to get survivability early, other times you can focus on damage. Should you prioritize armor or magic resist? These questions depend on how the match is unfolding.

These guides won't cover countering or advanced team play or any of that. They aren't intended to teach how to play they game and they will most certainly not be advertised as such. They are strictly about what skills to level in what order (should adapt based on team and opponents), what items to build in what order (again, should adapt based on team and opponents), and a couple basic tips for playing that champion effectively.

The questions you ask are simply outside of the scope of what these guides aim to teach.
I've played League for over two years and am Plat 2 >,> I'm not a pro, but I'm not making "pro" guides either. I'm making quick guides to point newer players in the correct direction so they don't fall into the pits that so many new players do when it comes to champions. These guides will be about 60ish seconds in length after editing and aim to help players have a solid framework to work off of. I also intend to make clear these guides are for newer players, because they are. If you need a guide to tell you the basics of building a champ then you are not even close to being ready for ranked or high level play. Fact of the matter is League is an intimidating game with an intimidating community. The goal here is just to provide some friendly advice so people aren't building Doran's Knuckle Dusters.

No short guide can account for every situation. Sometimes you need to get survivability early, other times you can focus on damage. Should you prioritize armor or magic resist? These questions depend on how the match is unfolding.

These guides won't cover countering or advanced team play or any of that. They aren't intended to teach how to play they game and they will most certainly not be advertised as such. They are strictly about what skills to level in what order (should adapt based on team and opponents), what items to build in what order (again, should adapt based on team and opponents), and a couple basic tips for playing that champion effectively.

The questions you ask are simply outside of the scope of what these guides aim to teach.
But I didn't ask them for the guides, I asked them to learn about your basic knowledge of the game. As I said, the more you know about the game, the more qualified you are to make instructional videos for the game. If anything I wish you the best of luck :3, I wasn't trying to come off as mean.
I think i understand why you want to make these videos, atleast in theory.

But since league is an ever-changing game wont it make it a little difficult..?
Before you have made videos for every single champ theres gonna be a new one, or Riot will have changed the skills of one/more, or new item builds are suddenly better because items have been changed and so on and so on...

And if a video like this is too out-dated it could do more harm than good for the new players who watches it.
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No, it's OK. I just figured maybe you misunderstood what I was trying to do.

As for your questions:

1) It depends. I'd select her to determine if her runes are hybrid or AP. Based on that I could formulate a decent idea of whether she is going to be building hybrid or AP (of course the assumption here is that she will be AP, but the more information the better). Now as for what I build, it's a little odd not to consider who I am playing, but building magic resist and ability power is a decent choice (such as abyssal scepter, especially if my team has hybrid or AP other than myself). I say this for the following reasons: First, I assume of the the "3 ad" you mention, only one is a carry so unless bot is losing I don't need armor at this stage, and armor wouldn't help me against Akali much. Next, ability power will up my damage and maintain my carry role, magic resist will reduce Akali's damage since she is building AP. Also magic resist will reduce the hybrid top's damage somewhat as well. While health seems like a logical choice here, and certainly is valid, especially considering the hybrid, the team already has a tanky jungle and I will benefit more from magic resist than health. Though depending on how the other lanes are doing and who I am playing I might go Rod of Ages (assuming we are still early game) for the AP and Health, but this is situational. This question is hard for me to answer simply because I feel there is a lack of information. Who am I playing? Is bot lane winning or losing lane? You say "slightly in front" I assume you mean they are winning, or do you mean they are pushing?

2) I don't play Noc, I hardly play jungle (though I can no problem). For Noc I'd ask others for input and not make that guide myself, instead just focusing on the editing side of things. But as for warding, number would depend on how well I was doing and if I was getting ward assistance from other players. Ward their jungle between wraiths and red buff so you can see what the jungler plans to do. Also ward brush by blue buff and red buff so you can counter jungle more effectively (placed at the edge so you can see incoming enemies, the brush, and the buff so you can smite it over the wall). Again this depends on what they are doing. Warding is essential. And of course observe all the warding basics, ward corners of baron/dragon, pink ward inside the pits (to catch wards in the corners), ward jungle entrances to be aware of invades, ect... Placement depends on what I really need at the time. Are they invading? Do I want to invade? Are my lanes effectively warded or getting counter warded? Where have the other players already warded?

3) Peel for Miss Fortune. In the late game you cannot afford to lose your adc. Also, if you go on Ez and Sona has her ult then you could very easily get aced due to a foolish chase. Thresh should attempt to line up for a grab on Ez if possible.

4) Inhib. If your luckly you might even be able to get an inhib/tower combo. People put way too much stock into baron. It's a valuable objective but an inhib and a inhib/tower combo particularly are much higher value. Get the inhib or tower/inhib, then go baron if you have time while that lane pushes (you probably won't, so be prepared to back off), if there is no chance of baron (which at 30 mins there probably isn't) then grab a quick dragon if possible.

5) Gank bot. The value of helping the adc out of their slump cannot be overstated. Get the adc back in the game, prevent the enemy from getting double kills in bot, and turn the match around. Ultimately top isn't going to carry if mid and bot can get into the game.[DOUBLEPOST=1384857846,1384857609][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think i understand why you want to make these videos, atleast in theory.

But since league is an ever-changing game wont it make it a little difficult..?
Before you have made videos for every single champ theres gonna be a new one, or Riot will have changed the skills of one/more, or new item builds are suddenly better because items have been changed and so on and so on...

And if a video like this is too out-dated it could do more harm than good for the new players who watches it.

I agree completely. It would be essential to keep these guides up to date, which is a big part of the reason I am asking for some people to collab with. It's simply unrealistic to keep it valid as a one-man job. I also don't plan to make these guides for roles that will be majorly affected by the pre-season changes since the guide would simply be invalid by the end of pre-season anyway. I'm not in a rush to make these. I'm keeping a very close eye on the pre-season changes before doing anything. It would be pointless to make a guide that will be outdated due to pre-season changes.
I agree completely. It would be essential to keep these guides up to date, which is a big part of the reason I am asking for some people to collab with. It's simply unrealistic to keep it valid as a one-man job. I also don't plan to make these guides for roles that will be majorly affected by the pre-season changes since the guide would simply be invalid by the end of pre-season anyway. I'm not in a rush to make these. I'm keeping a very close eye on the pre-season changes before doing anything. It would be pointless to make a guide that will be outdated due to pre-season changes.

Okay, Im glad to hear you have thought about that. Because it seems like alot of effort. Not only to make the videos the first time, but re-make some of them and such.
(I kinda dont want to end up playing with people who got the "skills" from an outdated youtube guide ;) )

Also I dont really understand why I (or someone else) would want to spend time writing a guide, item build, get ingame footage and such and just give it away.. But maybe thats just me :)
Okay, Im glad to hear you have thought about that. Because it seems like alot of effort. Not only to make the videos the first time, but re-make some of them and such.
(I kinda dont want to end up playing with people who got the "skills" from an outdated youtube guide ;) )

Also I dont really understand why I (or someone else) would want to spend time writing a guide, item build, get ingame footage and such and just give it away.. But maybe thats just me :)

Yeah, it's like outdated mobafire guides. They just cause problems. But the nature of these videos would make them easy to update as needed. Especially since a couple of my friends can assist in that task on the editing side of things as well.

As for your second point, I see where you are coming from. But I'm not asking for big in depth guides. The guide needs to fit into 60-120 seconds. So we're talking ~250 words. It's a method to network and grow though. I already have five people collaborating with me in this project that I play League with daily. So I can probably get started without too much trouble. I just figured I'd put feelers out if anyone else wants to get involved. If not, I get that. Time is precious. ^.^
I think i understand why you want to make these videos, atleast in theory.

But since league is an ever-changing game wont it make it a little difficult..?
Before you have made videos for every single champ theres gonna be a new one, or Riot will have changed the skills of one/more, or new item builds are suddenly better because items have been changed and so on and so on...

And if a video like this is too out-dated it could do more harm than good for the new players who watches it.
Exactly, this is why there will never be one single build for a champion. Even in the current meta, there's 10-20 ways to build most champions, depending on the situation. And why do a guide right before they introduce tons of game changes in the new season!?[DOUBLEPOST=1384875256,1384875162][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, it's like outdated mobafire guides. They just cause problems. But the nature of these videos would make them easy to update as needed. Especially since a couple of my friends can assist in that task on the editing side of things as well.

As for your second point, I see where you are coming from. But I'm not asking for big in depth guides. The guide needs to fit into 60-120 seconds. So we're talking ~250 words. It's a method to network and grow though. I already have five people collaborating with me in this project that I play League with daily. So I can probably get started without too much trouble. I just figured I'd put feelers out if anyone else wants to get involved. If not, I get that. Time is precious. ^.^
Well first of all, you said you wanted to include item builds, so at least it's that degree of a guide, so her point still stands. Secondly, you asked for help in terms of gameplay footage, and now you're playing it off as "Put my feelers out if anyone else wants to get involved" as if you're offering people an opportunity, as opposed to asking for help.[DOUBLEPOST=1384875347][/DOUBLEPOST]
No, it's OK. I just figured maybe you misunderstood what I was trying to do.

As for your questions:

1) It depends. I'd select her to determine if her runes are hybrid or AP. Based on that I could formulate a decent idea of whether she is going to be building hybrid or AP (of course the assumption here is that she will be AP, but the more information the better). Now as for what I build, it's a little odd not to consider who I am playing, but building magic resist and ability power is a decent choice (such as abyssal scepter, especially if my team has hybrid or AP other than myself). I say this for the following reasons: First, I assume of the the "3 ad" you mention, only one is a carry so unless bot is losing I don't need armor at this stage, and armor wouldn't help me against Akali much. Next, ability power will up my damage and maintain my carry role, magic resist will reduce Akali's damage since she is building AP. Also magic resist will reduce the hybrid top's damage somewhat as well. While health seems like a logical choice here, and certainly is valid, especially considering the hybrid, the team already has a tanky jungle and I will benefit more from magic resist than health. Though depending on how the other lanes are doing and who I am playing I might go Rod of Ages (assuming we are still early game) for the AP and Health, but this is situational. This question is hard for me to answer simply because I feel there is a lack of information. Who am I playing? Is bot lane winning or losing lane? You say "slightly in front" I assume you mean they are winning, or do you mean they are pushing?

2) I don't play Noc, I hardly play jungle (though I can no problem). For Noc I'd ask others for input and not make that guide myself, instead just focusing on the editing side of things. But as for warding, number would depend on how well I was doing and if I was getting ward assistance from other players. Ward their jungle between wraiths and red buff so you can see what the jungler plans to do. Also ward brush by blue buff and red buff so you can counter jungle more effectively (placed at the edge so you can see incoming enemies, the brush, and the buff so you can smite it over the wall). Again this depends on what they are doing. Warding is essential. And of course observe all the warding basics, ward corners of baron/dragon, pink ward inside the pits (to catch wards in the corners), ward jungle entrances to be aware of invades, ect... Placement depends on what I really need at the time. Are they invading? Do I want to invade? Are my lanes effectively warded or getting counter warded? Where have the other players already warded?

3) Peel for Miss Fortune. In the late game you cannot afford to lose your adc. Also, if you go on Ez and Sona has her ult then you could very easily get aced due to a foolish chase. Thresh should attempt to line up for a grab on Ez if possible.

4) Inhib. If your luckly you might even be able to get an inhib/tower combo. People put way too much stock into baron. It's a valuable objective but an inhib and a inhib/tower combo particularly are much higher value. Get the inhib or tower/inhib, then go baron if you have time while that lane pushes (you probably won't, so be prepared to back off), if there is no chance of baron (which at 30 mins there probably isn't) then grab a quick dragon if possible.

5) Gank bot. The value of helping the adc out of their slump cannot be overstated. Get the adc back in the game, prevent the enemy from getting double kills in bot, and turn the match around. Ultimately top isn't going to carry if mid and bot can get into the game.[DOUBLEPOST=1384857846,1384857609][/DOUBLEPOST]

I agree completely. It would be essential to keep these guides up to date, which is a big part of the reason I am asking for some people to collab with. It's simply unrealistic to keep it valid as a one-man job. I also don't plan to make these guides for roles that will be majorly affected by the pre-season changes since the guide would simply be invalid by the end of pre-season anyway. I'm not in a rush to make these. I'm keeping a very close eye on the pre-season changes before doing anything. It would be pointless to make a guide that will be outdated due to pre-season changes.
I actually think you answered this pretty well, you definately have the knowledge to do guides.
I wish you the best of luck n s**t.
Well first of all, you said you wanted to include item builds, so at least it's that degree of a guide, so her point still stands. Secondly, you asked for help in terms of gameplay footage, and now you're playing it off as "Put my feelers out if anyone else wants to get involved" as if you're offering people an opportunity, as opposed to asking for help.

I'm not trying to "play it off" at all. There are 116 champions in League of Legends. I'm sure you can imagine how long it will take to gather quality footage of them all even with the people I currently have helping me. Sure, it's an opportunity. Aren't all collabs? That's kinda the point... But it is also a request for help because it's a big project.

I'm not sure what you mean by her point? Which one? The guides being outdated? I'll get to that in a sec and assume you mean the people writing content part. As for that I suppose I should have been more clear. What I am primarily looking for is gameplay footage. The other information is more just if people feel like providing it. I've been playing League long enough that I have built up a large list of League contacts so I have people to help me with the information side of things in those contacts. This is also why I already have several people chipping in, simply because we are are League friends. Finally, not everyone can preform the video editing to make a guide and there is a lot of work in that side of things. Someone providing me ~250 words of advice (which I have written for several champions in <5 minutes) and then me assembling and editing it into a video guide (takes far more than 5 minutes) is far from an uneven split of effort. But again, I didn't mean to imply that I needed this information. It would just be helpful and save some time. Looking back I see I was far from clear on that point (read: I totally wrote it wrong to begin with >,<).

Also, as I stated before, I'm quite aware of pre-season changes and am taking that into account 100% going forward. Gameplay footage will be largely unchanged however. The actual content of the guide is what is most likely to change. And I'm in no hurry to make them. As we are all aware, pre-season changes could easily make some of these guides invalid and I have no intention of having that happen because I rushed something out.