Kids are dead, Watch my script!

I don't get why we're not acknowledging that CNN and Fox are evil. So they do it and that makes it morally ok? I just can't respect people who profit off of a tragedy, just seeing the ad makes me no longer care what they have to say. It's kind of like making a really heartfelt statement and saying your peace about something that affected people in a severely negative way, but charging a fee to let people hear it. I just can't take you seriously after that. But hey, what do I know.

Can you quote the person or person's who prompted you to believe that foxnews and cnn doings ads is being marginalized?
Can you quote the person or person's who prompted you to believe that foxnews and cnn doings ads is being marginalized?
being marginalized? I don't even know what that means. You guys are saying that they make money off of tragedies and that means it shouldn't be a big deal if youtubers do it, but Fox news and CNN do all kinds of shady things so I don't see why that would be relevant.
being marginalized? I don't even know what that means. You guys are saying that they make money off of tragedies and that means it shouldn't be a big deal if youtubers do it, but Fox news and CNN do all kinds of shady things so I don't see why that would be relevant.

No, Symphonious. We are not. At all. We are saying that Foxnews and CNN do it and that the general public accept it, whereas they don't accept it for the common Youtuber. We are held to higher standards then news media. Now I could make the argument that they have alot of expenses to provide such coverage but I agree I think that they are sensationalizing and that is wrong. I haven't monetized any of my vids (that I am aware of) that makes me money off of a tragedy. If it is, it was when youtube monetized all of them and i didn't catch it.
No, Symphonious. We are not. At all. We are saying that Foxnews and CNN do it and that the general public accept it, whereas they don't accept it for the common Youtuber. We are held to higher standards then news media. Now I could make the argument that they have alot of expenses to provide such coverage but I agree I think that they are sensationalizing and that is wrong. I haven't monetized any of my vids (that I am aware of) that makes me money off of a tragedy. If it is, it was when youtube monetized all of them and i didn't catch it.
Ohhhhhh!!!!! I was confuzled, thanks for the clarification.
Children's bodies were still warm when the first videos about this massacre entered my feed, most of them being monetized.

I was disgusted and it took quite a lot of energy for me to stop myself from expressing my disgust in their comment section.

As for a grace time before uploading other videos to your channel: I think it's perfectly fine. The funnier the better. God knows I was in need of a smile and/or a laugh on Friday.
The news media is scum and corrupt and is there to keep the people's eyes on one thing while there are earth changing events going on. Who wants to put themselves on the same page as them?

i was disgusted and couldn't help myself from expressing it on comments... i had to stop i was getting so upset...