Just Got A Troll...

In my opinion, you HAVE to feed the trolls every once in a while. Sure, if you feed them too much, they'll grow fat and start to expect food from you, and that's not good, but you don't want them to starve to death, do you?
Delete and block is the best move. People posting messages on our videos are essentially advertising themselves -- they may be advertising their douchbaggery and acting like a-holes, but fundamentally it's spam and it's free advertising for their YouTube channel. In the end we get to choose who gets to advertise themselves in our comment threads.
I find not caring is a good approach too. Just get the views and ignore the hate, be like "thanks for the views bucko!" Or you could say totally irrelevant things to them to get them to keep talking on your comments. they'll be like "You suck your videos are stupid kill yourself!" And you could be like "You know the funny thing about that is that I don't even own a hair dryer, instead I just drive fast down the highway with my head out the window" and they'll keep going "what are you talking about?? I said you suck!!" And you can be like "Yeah I know you did, that's why I was trying to tell you that I think darth vader is an overrated supervillian, and venom from spiderman is much more appealing" And just keep doing this until they are so confused they give up LOL

Funniest of all, this freaken works.