Is sub for sub even allowed by YouTube?

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Gods of Odds

Loving YTtalk
I think I have asked this before but I still haven't got a definite answer, of course I don't know if anyone out does know for sure but the answers I'm getting are very conflicting. I have even emailed YouTube to ask them and they didn't give me a straight answer. Is sub for sub allowed on YouTube or does no one actually know if it's allowed? Of course I am not actually doing sub for sub in any way but I just want to know if it is even allowed because I like to find out everything I can.
Even if it is, It doesn't even work most of the time. Day after find out the person un subs you lol. I never have done sub for sub, but know and see many people asking in the comments of diff vids.
I believe its allowed. But its just useless in terms of getting genuine views and for the long run.

Something like picking your nose in public. Its allowed and not against the rules but its quite frowned upon.
It is and it isn't I guess. I know there was one account who managed to get to 100k subs with 0 vids just sub4subbin and spamming comments section and he eventually got banned. Whether they held him accountable for s4s or spam I do not know.

All in all though, regardless of if it counts or not it really makes zero difference at the end of the day cause s4s will never actually add to your views, watch time, ad revenue...anything.
I think YOUTUBE doesn't allow sub for sub. I have experimented with it just for the knowledge. When I comment "SUB4SUB" or "SUBFORSUB", "SUB ME, I SUB YOU BACK" on the youtube videos. These comments are not posted, these comments do not post at all, it give errors. When I post something else, it gets posted. But somehow people manage to sub4sub through other sides.
I think YOUTUBE doesn't allow sub for sub. I have experimented with it just for the knowledge. When I comment "SUB4SUB" or "SUBFORSUB", "SUB ME, I SUB YOU BACK" on the youtube videos. These comments are not posted, these comments do not post at all, it give errors. When I post something else, it gets posted. But somehow people manage to sub4sub through other sides.
YouTube has an automatic spam detection filter installed. So just commenting it randomly in videos gets you nowhere. Most modern s4s either post concretely, ie hey check me out an sub I'll sub to you too, or there's livestreams that basically promote sub trading.
I think I have asked this before but I still haven't got a definite answer, of course I don't know if anyone out does know for sure but the answers I'm getting are very conflicting. I have even emailed YouTube to ask them and they didn't give me a straight answer. Is sub for sub allowed on YouTube or does no one actually know if it's allowed? Of course I am not actually doing sub for sub in any way but I just want to know if it is even allowed because I like to find out everything I can.
I did it with my previous channel two years ago. Oooh young naive me. I went up to 50 subs with a view count of 3 maybe 10 per video I brought out. Now its the otherway around. I don't ask for subs at all, not even in my videos, I just tell everyone to have a look at my content.

Its not illegal. You won't get your account banned. What you do get if you do this, you get people going to your channel and disliking all your content. You don't get any view counts. My channel has been dead for two years. Some unsubbed but not much because most of the tubers that traded subs with me also stopped making content. I think I lost like 7 subs out of 51 over two years. Also it does not really help. Sure now it goes up with maybe 50 in two weeks. Your sub list looks horrible and when you get to a higher number this growth is to slow.

I wanted my argument back then was that even if I would have a lot of dead subs, it would look like I am growing and becoming more famous which would lure more people and actually gain me subs because I wanted to make a living out of gaming just like The Great PEWDIEPIE. How stupid I was.

Now I am doing it for a hobby, I won't ever go as low as sub 4 sub again. Honestly I won't even ask anyone to sub accept my friends... because they are my friends. It is more negative towards your channel and it makes you look desperate.

Its not illegal nor wrong but I feel it should be but maybe its for the better because I know if I see a tuber screaming sub4sub then I know they would get a lot of disslikes
Thanks for the replies everyone, I do agree with what has been said, I was just curious to find out, like I said I'm not doing it anyway.
Before i know about this Sub for sub, I thought oh this could help but after few people unsubscribed and got lame, I decided not to do it again....(Few of the legit ones stayed on my channel and we all helping each other out) I thought to myself that it was not worth it... I only look at people who worked hard in they channel and that interests me - not copying or have nothing in they channel. I think most are spam but its annoying that you tubers, who telling us how to get good view/ sub on youtube and you see a mass of people in the comment area - doing the same thing sub for sub... Like come on, they telling us it don't work but they still do haha
I don't get involved in Sub4Sub however Youtube I don't think has ever released anything formal about it not being permitted.
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