Thanks for the great response man. My entire life I've been talented at things that just came to me. Music, mainly. I find the instrument and just go. I have a friend who is simply remarkable at marketing on YT, makes hundreds of thousands a year with his company. I will tell you this - He works his a** off, yes he is constantly working but this is something he has always had. I mean this is the definition of god given talent. He can take any topic and make money on it using Youtube. Trends, thumbnails, ect - he will get 100K subs and just keep making channels that constantly pour in more and more views.
What discourages me is that I try SO hard to make sure my quality is perfect (4k, not editing errors), that my microphone sounds crisp, the video in the top left looks good. I really try to make every little thing perfect and 80 videos later.... 30 subs. I saw this one kid, yes I mean KID on youtube (Randomly clicked his account) that had 200 subs and uploaded the past year of him rambling into a camera. Probably 10 - 12 years old. Every video is rambling on different topics into an iphone shot portrait and he has more subs than me.
I really do not know HOW to get people to click my videos. There are countless people out there that do not need to try and lore people in, they just click because the content is just that good. That to me is a good wakeup call. I can make 80 videos and have 30 subs, they can make 5 videos and have 5K subs.
What I like doing people don't want to see, and what they want to see - I don't like doing. I am in this because it is YOUtube, hence doing what you like, but when I see the 10 year old with 200 subs, the channels with 5K subs and 10 videos... that's a wakeup call. Buddy, you f*****g suck.
Please know - this is not me being a defeatist. It's being a realist. You need to know when you are not good enough or cut out for something. Just "believing" is delusional and actually not helpful for success. You're spinning your wheels - pun intended.
Feedback is key, and when people don't want to watch - there must be a reason!
Check this out
As you can see, my channel's been bouncing around 80% non-sub views for quite a while. So, my last video just broke 900 views, that means probably less than 200 of those came from subs, and I have almost 3,270 of them atm.
Check this out too
As you can see I'm on the lower end of the typical YT range for bell notifications too. Not even all of
those people click and watch my videos.
Subscribers are more of a vanity metrics nowadays. It's dopamine-inducing watching it grow, not gonna lie, but it's absolutely useless when you upload videos that
don't have wide/mass appeal.
Here are my worst performing videos
Think about it, you already have videos on your channel that have more views than a few of my videos and I'm more than 100 times your size subs-wise. So, there's almost ZERO DIFFERENCE between channels when we upload content that people aren't overly interested in, even though I have way less competition than you.
It's all about figuring out what people want to watch and then being willing to deliver it to them. And that's I think the only thing I might be doing a bit better than you now.
I can find you at least 5 channels right now with only marginally better production quality and content similar to mine that get 10x, 100x more views and engagement than I do. However, they do things their own way, it resonates with the target audience and that's why they are growing so much faster than me. Even if I copied what they do, I know I wouldn't grow as fast because I'm just a copycat at that point.
I would be lying if I said I haven't compared myself to them many, many times so far, but if I dwell too much or too long on it, I go through what you're going right now - I feel frustrated, defeated, discouraged, my drive plummets down into the bottomless pits of Abyss and I go on a 2-months long hiatus without a single new video.
It's pointless.
I know it's easy for me to say all this when our channels have about the same number of videos, yet I'm getting a lot more views than you, but I want you to check 2 of my old, abandoned failure channels for a little bit of context:
Last, but not least, this is a MrBeast video from roughly 6.5 years ago:
Sure, you DO have to be realistic with yourself, but just giving up because you're not good at something right this moment isn't the right way to put things into perspective either.
Keep trying, keep experimenting. Keep uploading.