Is it normal to find your own videos boring?


New Member
As the title goes. Do any of you guys ever question "Why do people watch my videos?" Don't get me wrong. I'm SUPER thankful for my viewers, and I hope they continue to enjoy my videos as much as I enjoy making them. But as soon as my edit is done and uploaded - Boom. I have no interest in that video other than checking stats.

Is this normal? I just want to know if I'm experiencing a common feeling, or if it's actually more normal to like your own product.

I look forward to reading your thoughts! :)
I personally did have that experience myself, but eventually it's something that I somehow grew out of and started my own content... so yes it is normal, but it is something that you build upon and always look to improve upon as well!
I'd say it's probably pretty normal. It's how I feel about my own content... The only videos I like to watch over again are ones that predominately don't have me in them (e.g. I made a video about my hamster, & another of a trip abroad, and mostly just showed clips of those things...those are the only videos I'll re-watch...)
I do not find it boring, but during editing, after watching the vid like 15 times... I am kind of done with it ha ha. It is hard sometimes to look at it with fresh eyes.
I try to make videos filled with memorable, fun & joyful moments from life, this way it brings a lot of positive emotions when re-watching. Those who participate would re-watch these videos as well while experiencing similar emotions. Also, videos revolve around videography topic, often educational, like review/test of camera gear, this way it's useful to those interested in learning/studying these topics.
it gets tedious editing the same s*** for 10 hours
feel you man, there are a couple of lens review videos I made that took about half a year to make, part time of course :O_o2: you can even see seasons change lol
My most popular content is guides/tutorials, so they are meant to be educational, not funny or entertaining. When it come's to my let's plays I kind of find them boring, but that's mostly since I already know what will happen, so I don't get the tension, the
uncertainty of what will happen, the excitement, the itch to find out how it will end etc that I can get from other peoples let's plays.
I find my videos boring right now.... but a years down the line, I rewatch them and I tend to think, Why can't I be more like me from the past. That guy makes video I want to watch.... ironically I was saying the same thing back then about my earlier videos. I guess, I just always prefer my older stuff. I suggest watching your video a few weeks/month later when it's not as fresh in your head and see if you still think it's boring.

but during editing, after watching the vid like 15 times... I am kind of done with it ha ha.
I hate my videos when I'm recording. Not sure why, but my "video voice" completely changes from when I'm brainstorming to when I finally hit record.... I 100% prefer my brainstorming monologues.
It’s not that I find my videos boring, but i dont usually have a lot of time to rewatch them except after I post.

On very rare occasions, i’ll watch old videos to go down memory lane and laugh or cringe at old joke