Kevin Yen
I've Got It
You may get like a 5% increase in views from search engines, but it is not substantial or reason to sign a contract.
ok, but the benefits seem to be nice, the music/effect sounds, gorilla, and dashboard and stuff
You may get like a 5% increase in views from search engines, but it is not substantial or reason to sign a contract.
Dashboard is nice. Gorilla is overrated, and you will not make all that much money unless you are a very large channel, because all campaigns have a max budget. The large channel take the whole budget very quickly. You can get sound effects and music to use in your videos for free without Fullscreen.ok, but the benefits seem to be nice, the music/effect sounds, gorilla, and dashboard and stuff
Nope. Fullscreen is a great network. They have the benefits of the community and a dashboard. No network is going to grow your channel or have better benefits. Networks are mainly for monetization these days.ok, do u recommend another network?