Is editing crucial for a vlogger?


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When i started youtube i never thought of editing. I still don`t edit my videos because i feel it`s more fun that way like it`s live and anything can happen. Will editing get me more views or should stick with not editing? Thanks.
editing s crucial for anyone. if you do a mistake.. cut.. if you want to add an effect ,, add it :D super fun and not jut a person talking to a camera :)9
When i started youtube i never thought of editing. I still don`t edit my videos because i feel it`s more fun that way like it`s live and anything can happen. Will editing get me more views or should stick with not editing? Thanks.

Hi there! I find that even after editing 5 videos (which is nothing!) it is honestly my favourite part of creating videos after the interaction with viewers! If you do vlogs then a lot of the time the way in which you edit them can compliment the nature of your videos - Say for example you wished to have a comedic blog - using quick jumpcuts and even sound effects can make it much more comedic..

If the quality of your videos/ the quality of the content is good then you should get views no matter what! But yes if your video improves then your views should increase, right? well one would have thought so ;)

Finally editing can also help you stick to the point instead of going off on a tangent which i seem to do when recording my videos a lot! But i'f you're good at sticking to the point then its not as necessary.

I hope this helped! :wavespin: