Is doing pixel art videos a bad thing?

Hey i was just wondering, i uploaded a video on like a pixel art timelapse/speed build and got like hate where being someone called me a h*e, sorry that i said it and got like 3 dislikes.
I dont think i did anything wrong, just built a pixel art, sped the video and put music in the back ground

Just wanted to know peoples opinions, i dont know if im get targeted cause i recognized one of them who wont leave me alone (i played ps4 with him) , or if i did something wrong , ive hid the comments cause it sort of made me feel concerned.

On the positive note: HAPPY NEW YEAR tho its not time yet lol
I think YouTube comments sections are basically "hater traps," where people go to be mean and angry and stupid, and I just let them either pass by without commenting back or I'll just delete the most hateful stuff. Honestly, it's really discouraging when it first happens or when you get hateful comments when you're not expecting them, but after a while, it can just seem silly or even funny, if you realize they're just impotently raging at someone they don't know for reasons you'll never be privy to.

Happy New Year to you! I hope you have a fabulous year coming up and continue to make art!
It doesnt matter what kind of video you make, some asshats will try to make themselves feel better about their pitiful lives and post bad things..
Upload the kind of videos you like to create, turn on comment-moderation, delete the stupid comments and ban the hatetards.
I see nothing wrong with creating pixel art videos or any other type of video (As long as it falls in Terms of Service) you'd like to create. There are just a lot angry, spiteful people on Youtube who like to do nothing more then make others feel bad.

I've had people comment very angrily or my "1st Degree Black Belt Test" video critiquing my art but knowing absolutely nothing about it. When the only reason why I uploaded the video was to show my friends who couldn't make the test back in the day. Then another example was when I was replying to someone else's comment on a video a viewer thought it was cute to auto-correct me. Trying to make me feel bad for making human mistakes.

So overall just ignore the haters. They are everywhere. So keep creating the videos that you are passionate about and be happy doing what you love. =]

Also...Happy New Years! =]
YouTube, in it's basics, is a way for people to express their opinions, ideas, and create what they want to create. If pixel art is what you like to make, then freaking go for it man. Unfortunately some people abuse the free expression of ideas to put you down. I think it's just kinda funny at how pitiful that is, just laugh at 'em and post some more pixel art. They can say whatever they want, but it won't stop you from posting what you love. Passion will prevail!!:)