Intro Tutorials

i was using vegas but i realize that may not be the best one for animation
For animation... Depends on what you are trying to do. I have Sony Movie Studio 12 and I used it to make my current intro/outro but it's nothing special. If you want simple 2D animation for yours, using Vegas, it still can be done but it's a little harder to do just because the options aren't as laid out compared to an animation program. You might want to check out techy tech tutorials, he has some interesting intro layouts for Vegas. If you want special animations/effects just search it up and make sure to put in "sony vegas xxx effect/animation" or something.
For animation... Depends on what you are trying to do. I have Sony Movie Studio 12 and I used it to make my current intro/outro but it's nothing special. If you want simple 2D animation for yours, using Vegas, it still can be done but it's a little harder to do just because the options aren't as laid out compared to an animation program. You might want to check out techy tech tutorials, he has some interesting intro layouts for Vegas. If you want special animations/effects just search it up and make sure to put in "sony vegas xxx effect/animation" or something.
APunkGaming linked me to cinema4D which looks like a very good program for animation honestly from what i've seen. vegas is difficult to use in terms of animations for even the basics. NOT ADVERTISING: if you look in my last video that intro is all i could get