Inactive Youtube Accounts.


Active Member
Hello everyone :)

I was just curious, I had a channel name picked out that I was looking to make videos on. Unfortunately, the account hasn't been used in 7 years, and only has two uploads on it, both with very little views on them. The owner had no contact information on the account, is there any way of contacting Youtube/Google to request the name?

Just to clarify aswell, it's not a super rare name or anything, just a nickname of mine I'd be very happy to take!
I kinda highly doubt it a lot. (Because just doubting isn't enough) You could probably just use your name for the channel name then for the URL add some numbers like I do.
Hello everyone :)

I was just curious, I had a channel name picked out that I was looking to make videos on. Unfortunately, the account hasn't been used in 7 years, and only has two uploads on it, both with very little views on them. The owner had no contact information on the account, is there any way of contacting Youtube/Google to request the name?

Just to clarify aswell, it's not a super rare name or anything, just a nickname of mine I'd be very happy to take!
Partners used to be able to request channels (e.g shane, trippy) but the thing is, the channel CAN'T have videos if you are going to request it, so sorry buddy :<
If you are partnered you can request a vanity URL to redirect if the channel is inactive. If it has videos on it you won't be able to get it. Also even if it didn't have videos, they don't hand it out to just anyone. You have to qualify in order to get it.
Ah, I see. :( Well thank you all very much! I didn't expect replies so fast! Seems like a great community, here :)
You could try sending the current channel owner a message to their YouTube inbox. Highly unlikely they will get it if the account has been inactive so long, but it's worth a shot. Then you have to try to convince them to give you control of their channel.
Just to clarify, what would be the alternative if the channel had no uploads? I found a similar channel, no recent activity, no uploads, appears to be inactive!
Just to clarify, what would be the alternative if the channel had no uploads? I found a similar channel, no recent activity, no uploads, appears to be inactive!
I don't really think there is an alternative, also for the channel to be inactive, it needs to haven't logged in, in like 6 months i believe and have ZERO uploads, nothing else matters, even if it had a million subs (they get reset anyways)

There is a way to ask youtube to redirect a channel to you but i think you have to be something like disney or w/e to be able to do that (big company with moneyz)
I don't really think there is an alternative, also for the channel to be inactive, it needs to haven't logged in, in like 6 months i believe and have ZERO uploads, nothing else matters, even if it had a million subs (they get reset anyways)

There is a way to ask youtube to redirect a channel to you but i think you have to be something like disney or w/e to be able to do that (big company with moneyz)

Yeah this account in particular hasn't been active in over a year. Zero uploads aswell, I don't even think they have comment history to be honest. I did send this owner a message, though since there's a big difference between a year and 7 years for inactivity. I hope it's not a name squatter, or anything like that :(