Services [INACTIVE] FREE Channel Art, Icons, Outros, & Thumbnails!

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I also need some channel art if you could please. My channel is just me talking about whatever i want really, which usually means something to do with video games if that means anything. Thank you
Sorry about that.
I like the format that you have for the outro in the picture above. Something like that but with Vertex and maybe have something related to gaming (COD, Battlefield 4, FIFA)... And for the channel art something modern with the dominant colours being black and another colour.

Sum it up :)

Text/Text Colors: Same as the channel art
Background/Background Colors: Black
Pictures/Symbols to be incorporated: Something related to one of these games - COD, Battlefield 4, FIFA
Theme: Modern and simple

Of course do as best as you can :)

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Alright so I uploaded a video with a shout out for you, and because I love your work I was wondering if you could create a channel banner. Can you look on my channel and see my banner, and improve it with your magic lol
Channel Art/Icon/Outro/Thumbnail: Outro, Channel Art
Text/Text Colors: White for the Outro, Blue or Red for the Art
Background/Background Colors: Red for Outro (I kind of like the one you made in your OP) - Green for the Channel Art
Pictures/Symbols to be incorporated: Minecraft, Gaming, etc.
Theme: Minecraft Gaming
Extra: I will give you a shotout on my next video if you can get this done.

Thanks in advance!



Alright so I uploaded a video with a shout out for you, and because I love your work I was wondering if you could create a channel banner. Can you look on my channel and see my banner, and improve it with your magic lol
Sure, please use the format
Channel Art/Icon/Outro/Thumbnail: Outro
Text/Text Colors: Can I get one like the example you gave like exactly like it with the text and everything
Background/Background Colors:
Pictures/Symbols to be incorporated:
Theme: Call of Duty Ghosts themed please

I could really use some help with channel art to get my channel up and running if you have the time thanks :)
I also need some channel art if you could please. My channel is just me talking about whatever i want really, which usually means something to do with video games if that means anything. Thank you
Sure, please use the format
umm did you create it?[/quote]
Use the following format, please:
Channel Art/Icon/Outro/Thumbnail:
Text/Text Colors:
Background/Background Colors:
Pictures/Symbols to be incorporated:
Okay gotcha
Channel Art/Icon/Outro/Thumbnail:Channel Art
Text/Text Colors: Text Color White/ Text could be any font you want
Background/Background Colors:Background Color is Greyish light blue (did that make sense)
Pictures/Symbols to be incorporated:Subscribe button and my channel which is ItsOriginalToMe and my twitter which is ItsOriginalToMe
Extra:Just add a note somewhere that says Like Comment Subscribe

Thank you, Love your Work
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