Images copyrights

There is no time limit on copyrighted material. If you're illegally using content in your video, the length doesn't matter. Only to automated Content ID scans.

They get away with it because it's very likely that the rightful owners of the images don't care to file a takedown and probably haven't seen the videos.
As I've said if it falls under copyright law and fair use you have more of a chance to dispute a claim. There is content ID for everything, some people get review copies of games and this happens but they just refute their claim and quote YouTube's copyright FAQ. This doesn't always work though and that's why people like launders or TotalBiscuit still have some of their videos down even though they are critiquing something which falls under fair use law but big companies like to get around it cause they are wearing their man nappies and think they own everything (which in many cases they do) but all it took was a tweet from Biscuit and they lost a huge amount of sales that day and their name stayed affected in a bad light for quite a while.