Im starting a shout out sunday

brandon novak

I've Got It
The rules to get in: subcribed to me the video
3.ask for one downblow

this is for main small channels. but i do two channels each week that have over a 1,000 views and three that are under 1,000 views
I would only really do something like this if you have a very large audience (1o,ooo + subs) and only do one at the end of some sort of update video. Like KGATV said, people will use you for the shoutout, and although a lot of subscribers sounds great, they won't be watching your content, which is pointless in the end! :P
Perhaps you're the one that needs a shoutout... =(

Shoutouts aren't going to work. The subscribers you gain won't help you at all and the people looking for a shoutout won't really benefit.
This is a great idea, but it has been said before...wait until you're more established on YouTube! Great idea man, just be careful, people tend to use & abuse these :)
i dont care about subs it view that matter not sub. sub are not a big thing and views are what matter and im doing this becase it makes me feel good to help people and i dont care what people say.