Voice Acting I'm looking for voice actors for a minecraft animation

Hi there,

can you voice act for my minecraft animation.

you do have to have good english skills
and you have to have a good mic

are you interested just reply
Sounds cool. But can you provide some more info regarding the topic/scenario?
i'd love to do this. my skype username is samcambolt270 just like here and everywhere else. and i already have voice acting experience.
View attachment 2792 Hi there,

I am looking for Minecraft voice actors. It's for an animation. These are the roles who are still free to audit for.
Still open rolls:
Zombie Villager Criminal (The bad guy)
All Villagers + Police Villagers
Steve (The main character)
Jack (Friend of Steve)
Bob (Steve's grandpa)

The Storyline:
Two Criminals escape from prison. They are accomplices of their boss, Herobrine. He is the emperor of everything that's evil. They are on a mission to steal a book from Steve. Steve won't let this happen en try to stop them. In the middle of the story he met Jack who helps Steve. Who will win this!?

If interested:
Write down your skypename and write why you would be good for this.
im interested :)
my skype names is cameron.young60 I think id be good for this because I can do multiple voices. I plan on posting a voices video at some point. I can do all kinds of voices spanning from a young person to an old person to just plain bizarre.
I'd love to take aprt, im not sure what part I would be good at playing, take a look at my yt channel to see if im good :D My skype is chaosable
