I'll review your channel!

Guess you can review my channel. The channel art and design I don't really care about too much right now since that's what's not important to me lol. But yeah just curious what other people have to say about it since no one has said anything really..
Well the banner and intro looks great whomever made that is a fantastic artist :cool: lol

I think you need better thumbnails, video titles, descriptions and tags you should research some SEO for youtube.

I think you just need to keep a steady flow of videos and always keep improving!
Thanks ;)

I'm still trying to remember who made it but whoever did has done a awesome job ;/

Anyway some thumnails are good while others do still need improving and i'm going research about youtube seo now might help the channel if I can get more views on videos, The content is good so that's something that should go good just need to keep that up like you said.

Well, as promised ABoxOfToast, I checked out you're channel and for the most part I really enjoyed it. I might have to check out Disco Dodge Ball lol. You're banner art and profile picture go pretty well together. They don't clash really. You have a good quality mic and you record up to 72op, both of which are very important for a channel. The only things I would change are the lengths of videos. I watched you're unsubscribed video of Nuclear Throne 5, the first part of it too, and Disco Dodge Ball. All three videos start out great and a very entertaining, but essential a viewer is going to get tired of watching the video after so long. So instead of having a 15, 20, or 25 minute video maybe just make it about 5 to 10 minutes. This way YouTube will see that the video is being viewed completely and will give your channel a better rep than seeing the statistics say that only half the video was watched. I hope this helps, man. Thanks again for reviewing our channel. It's a big confidence booster to hear someone say that. Maybe sometime we could do a video together or something. :)
Hey mate, I could use your review service when u've got the time for it. Thanks !

Here's one of the videos:
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Hey, I mostly want my content to be reviewed. I have three types of videos on my channel....
And also bloopers and a few gameplays. I don't need all three of them reviewed, but skits are top priority since that's what I do the most and I want to make sure I post decent content. Thanks!