I'll review your channel!

Just looked at your channel and I like the banner and the logo :p Your video and audio quality are good and I like your commentary only thing I could say is maybe upload more if you have the time :) If you could review my channel when you have the time that would be great!
Give a go at mine if you don't mind and let use know how I'm doing, I can take criticism pretty good, so if you think there's anything I can do better, let me know. :)
It must have taken me like 10 tries to say your name correctly haha, anyways, like most people you only really seem to talk about things in the game and what the game directly influences (i.e. "In *insert game* you jump and blah blah" or "Damn! Something bad happened because *insert reason* and thats bad!") dont be afraid to go off of subject because most times it can be very rewarding as your mind can come up with some pretty funny/entertaining stuff on the fly. Also make sure to speak clearly and directly, it helps people to feel like you are more open and therefore more relatable! Keep up the good work and I hope to see you make it big![DOUBLEPOST=1392176618,1392176396][/DOUBLEPOST]
I wouldn't mind a review...take in mind my channel is not so serious as the others but I focus on my minor musical talent :I...
theres a ton of advice I could give you and I would love to help you out (because I also make music) but yttalk is not always the best place, mainly because I have to type everything out so inbox me and we'll talk more![DOUBLEPOST=1392177552][/DOUBLEPOST]
I was wondering if I could get a channel review done? I want to improve and was wondering what you think of my channel, channel art, channel icon, trailer, layout, video/audio quality, etc. I thank you for your time!
I really like your channel trailer its very informative but you sound like a flight attendant throughout it haha or basically your voice lacks much inflection which is what really draws people into your channel. I only saw ep.1 of your portal lets play and one thing I can recommend is to make sure you're constantly talking (except during cutscenes or while other characters are talking or blah blah blah, I think you get it) a lot of people have this problem and if you look at big youtubers you will notice that in most cases, they are talking throughout the entirety of the lets play, even if it has nothing to do with the game itself, you can practice this by just speaking anything thats on your mind and following the random tangents that arise, it helps to beef up the commentary a lot and can catch people off guard sometimes, making a semi-funny comment a hilarious joke in a large tangent that has nothing to do with what you're doing. your video/dio quality seems good enough but I would always recommend getting a better mic or recording your voice separate from the video and putting it in later if you have a nice mic already. Hope this helps and I'm sure with such a nice personality as yours, you could make it big in no time!
i need a review
First off I would suggest getting a better mic. This is priority number one haha if you have a bad mic, people arent gonna really stick around and any new people probably wont want to subscribe. Also I really like that you seem to strive to keep talking throughout the video, even though you have a bad mic I was able to sit through because there wasnt really any awkward dead air so thats a HUGE plus for me. Apart from that your channel art seems pretty cool and you seem like you could make it to the big leagues yet!
I really like your channel trailer its very informative but you sound like a flight attendant throughout it haha or basically your voice lacks much inflection which is what really draws people into your channel. I only saw ep.1 of your portal lets play and one thing I can recommend is to make sure you're constantly talking (except during cutscenes or while other characters are talking or blah blah blah, I think you get it) a lot of people have this problem and if you look at big youtubers you will notice that in most cases, they are talking throughout the entirety of the lets play, even if it has nothing to do with the game itself, you can practice this by just speaking anything thats on your mind and following the random tangents that arise, it helps to beef up the commentary a lot and can catch people off guard sometimes, making a semi-funny comment a hilarious joke in a large tangent that has nothing to do with what you're doing. your video/dio quality seems good enough but I would always recommend getting a better mic or recording your voice separate from the video and putting it in later if you have a nice mic already. Hope this helps and I'm sure with such a nice personality as yours, you could make it big in no time!

Thank you so much for your advice it really is helpful! I am happy with my mic and will use this advice to help grow my channel! Thank you so much for the advice and for the first few episodes I guess I am a tad nervous and since it's my first blind play through even more so... haha
Can I please have a review?
sorry about not doing this earlier, I was attempting to go in order and must have skipped over yours on accident! Anyways, you seem to be very well spoken and really have a passion for what you're talking about, that being said I'm not really sure what you aim to do with your channel haha, I saw a couple vids and it seems as though you're a self help channel, or maybe a comedy channel, or maybe just an entertainment channel? Either way what I think you need to work on is branding. Think about how you want your channel to be known and plaster it everywhere. People like to know what they're signing up for so help them out with that! I hope this helps and I apologize once again for skipping you, with enough work and proper branding I'm sure you'll be able to reach millions in no time!
First off I would suggest getting a better mic. This is priority number one haha if you have a bad mic, people arent gonna really stick around and any new people probably wont want to subscribe. Also I really like that you seem to strive to keep talking throughout the video, even though you have a bad mic I was able to sit through because there wasnt really any awkward dead air so thats a HUGE plus for me. Apart from that your channel art seems pretty cool and you seem like you could make it to the big leagues yet!
thanks means alot and yes i know i need a new mic lol ive been using my iphone to record. i use to have another channel then people keep saying it was crap so i started over and now im hearing all this good feedback its good to know i have atleast a chance to make it big!
Just looked at your channel and I like the banner and the logo :p Your video and audio quality are good and I like your commentary only thing I could say is maybe upload more if you have the time :) If you could review my channel when you have the time that would be great!
Theres not really much here to criticize haha, maybe boost your mic volume a bit but other than that, you are very entertaining! You dont seem to have the problems that many other people do (or at least you've worked through them). Also maybe do gameplay of some other games, sooooo many other channels do minecraft that it takes a lot of originality away from yours so it always helps to have other games to catch peoples attention! Keep up the awesome work and I'm suprised you dont have 10,000 subs already!
i'm not much of a gamer these days... howerver i totally dig the commentary and think you're very capable of become a popular gaming commentator!
Hey, I would be greatful for a channel review. We have a Let's Play League series that I've been looking for feed back on. I feel as though I'd owe you lol. So I'll check out you're channel as payment and try to give you any advice I can think of. Thanks :)

Also I like you're idea of promoting yourself through others by trying to be helpful. I might steal it. ;) haha