Ideas? Help! :D


I've Got It
Hey y'all!!

Okay so I decided to make my channel more interesting, I would do like a weekly posts:

- Tuesday would be : Tag Tuesday
- Thursday would be : Thursday Talks "Little Talks with Kristyll"
Friday would be : Fun Fact Friday

I need help for Monday and Wednesday. What should I do?

I would love to see all your suggestions!!!

Thanks guys!!


Kristyll <3
Honestly I think a lot of us new You Tubers get wrapped up in having everything set in stone from the get go. Maybe don't worry so much about what you do each day (as well as don't feel forced to HAVE to make videos 5 days a week) but instead do a video that you feel like doing that day and will be passionate about. But just in case you don't like that opinion: Meandering Mondays could be used for being out and about in the world doing whatever & Whining Wednesdays could be for various rants. Good luck! :thumbsup2:
Honestly I think a lot of us new You Tubers get wrapped up in having everything set in stone from the get go. Maybe don't worry so much about what you do each day (as well as don't feel forced to HAVE to make videos 5 days a week) but instead do a video that you feel like doing that day and will be passionate about. But just in case you don't like that opinion: Meandering Mondays could be used for being out and about in the world doing whatever & Whining Wednesdays could be for various rants. Good luck! :thumbsup2:

Thanks for the advice :D

Actually I was thinking more of like first week I'll do Monday, then the next week would be Tuesday, etc etc. so I won't be exhausting and over posting videos :D

I like the Whining Wednesdays idea :D

I can't really do much of Meandering Monday since I live in the middle of nowhere and there's nothing to see really except a horse in the middle of the road haha.
Ohhhh I feel a lot better then. That could be a neat take on things though, yeah. Hope it works out for you. (=
Sounds pretty dang similar to what my game plan is!

Manly Monday (Talk about things related to sex/gender, relationships, etc.)
Tuesday Booze-day (Teach cocktails, talk drinking culture)
World Wide Wednesday (Tags, challenges, Q&As, things related to Youtube/internet culture)
Thursday Nerds-day (Talk about pop culture, movie reviews, my personal nerdy hobbies etc.)
Factoid Friday (Talk about fun facts that are relevant to people's lives)

I was originally going to make my Friday "Fun Fact Friday" as well, even. :) I was mostly focusing on picking days that are vague enough that I'd have the liberty to mix things up and not run out of ideas. But, since I haven't actually started, maybe my advice isn't really worth much, ha. But I'm curious to see what other things people post here!
Sounds pretty dang similar to what my game plan is!

Manly Monday (Talk about things related to sex/gender, relationships, etc.)
Tuesday Booze-day (Teach cocktails, talk drinking culture)
World Wide Wednesday (Tags, challenges, Q&As, things related to Youtube/internet culture)
Thursday Nerds-day (Talk about pop culture, movie reviews, my personal nerdy hobbies etc.)
Factoid Friday (Talk about fun facts that are relevant to people's lives)

I was originally going to make my Friday "Fun Fact Friday" as well, even. :) I was mostly focusing on picking days that are vague enough that I'd have the liberty to mix things up and not run out of ideas. But, since I haven't actually started, maybe my advice isn't really worth much, ha. But I'm curious to see what other things people post here!

Ooh manly Monday that's genius haha too bad I can't use it :P the world wide Wednesday is pretty cool though! Do you mind if I use the name?

You got some good ones going there, can't wait to see them :)
Go ahead! Tag Tuesday is pretty descriptive though, and to some degree I wonder if it seems a bit egotistic for me to say "World Wide Wednesday" and have it mostly be tags, challenges and talks about me. :P

If you're into reviewing things, perhaps you could make one of your days that? Reviews/hauls?