Ideas for 1 mil subs

Kate GD

Well-Known Member
Hey guys! I am new to youtube and i have like 14 subs, but i always wondered what are different youtubers thinking about 1 million subscribes specials. I am currently thinking about different video ideas which would be creative and interesting to watch! I wanted to ask if anyone here thinks about the same thing and if yes what are your thoughts on this topic? ( i know that i have a long way to 1 mil subs but it is an interesting topic for me)
There are hundreds of thousands of videos and concepts on YouTube now, thinking of original ideas can be a challenge. :)

As a filmmaker, I want to incorporate trendy topics AND bring in some cinematography! So, recently I thought -- there are videos of what girls do when they're home alone, right? So I wanted to make a video short out of this. I incorporated a horror genre to this as well and voila!

It's not uploaded yet, but basically its a fusion of what I said above -- trendy and with your own twist. A girl is home alone, its night time, creepy, and something is gonna happen. Original in a sense where it's not happy and upbeat like most of those trendy videos, but still falling under the "When a girl is home alone" tag. :D
1 million subs? Riding freaking unicorn :D

While I think 1 mil is a long way away, I usually tend to think about things when they happen :)
Maybe think about your first 100 sub video and first 1000 sub video ! it motivates me more to have more achievable goals so i feel great when i reach them
I've also got a long way for that, but ofc I think about it every now and then. I would probably want to do some kind of giveaway or something else to kinda do something for the subscribers? ^^
I would say gather a million of something and do something with it. Like a million gumballs and roll them down a hill or something.