Rhetorical Porcupine
Hey guys,
I know that everyone knows just how much of a disaster YouTube's copyright system is. Essentially, in the middle of the night, your whole channel can disappear through no fault of your own. Contacting people at YouTube or at the company making the copyright claim is damn near impossible. You know the rest.
But what if instead of the current system, whenever someone files a claim, YouTube tells you about it and gives you the opportunity to delete the video or the upload a version without the copyrighted content? Right now, you do not even get a chance. The video just disappears and your channel gets a strike. I guarantee 99% of creators on YouTube, if contacted by YouTube essentially saying, "We have a claim on this video, you have 24 hours to delete it or get a strike," Everyone would just delete the video themselves, and avoid a strike.
You're believing in the good of humanity and that unfortunately, doesn't work with legal matters.
The reason why the YouTube system doesn't give warnings like this is because it's allows abuse.
Let's say that I'm an unscrupulous YouTuber. I upload show after show after show of professionally produced content like The Simpsons, Friends, etc. I know that I'm going to get a 24 hour window to avoid punishment, so I can just upload whatever I want, take down the ones that get caught and leave up the rest.
For the vast majority, a copyright strike is a very rare event. Especially if you've done your research and aren't abusing copyright rules. ContentID is the main problem here, not the strike system.
Now, the best way to fix the strike side would be to temporarily remove strikes in the midst of appeal from the "3 strike, close the channel" rule. And the best way to fix ContentID is to place all earnings in escrow until the dispute is solved, OR implement a penalty for false claims.