Hey guys, my name is Assim and I need your help. I would like to grow my channel and currently I am sitting at 248 subs and haven't moved. Can you guys give me advice to help me grow my channel by leaving a comment. Thank you for your help.
Another thing you could do is start to advertise on Reddit and other social media. Just find a subreddit that is in your niche, for me that is r/vlog and other subreddits related to that. Just make sure to read the rules before posting and also try to actually engage in the community and give other people feedback, not just self promote. Also, setting up a Twitter is very beneficial. Just follow channels and people who might be interested in your content, and engage with them and try to build a relationship. Never, ever, so sub for sub or even tell people to subscribe. Just let it happen on its own, it will. Good luck!
Another thing you could do is start to advertise on Reddit and other social media. Just find a subreddit that is in your niche, for me that is r/vlog and other subreddits related to that. Just make sure to read the rules before posting and also try to actually engage in the community and give other people feedback, not just self promote. Also, setting up a Twitter is very beneficial. Just follow channels and people who might be interested in your content, and engage with them and try to build a relationship. Never, ever, so sub for sub or even tell people to subscribe. Just let it happen on its own, it will. Good luck!
Thank you very much for your help. I am stuck on this number for so long and I cant wait to go over it. Thanks again.
Hey guys, my name is Assim and I need your help. I would like to grow my channel and currently I am sitting at 248 subs and haven't moved. Can you guys give me advice to help me grow my channel by leaving a comment. Thank you for your help.
Do about 10 videos of ultimate nut shots (punching yourself in the balls as hard as you can, having somebody do a swan dive headbutt to your balls, etc.) If you do this you'll have at least 249 because I would subscribe