I need help with what to use for recording and editing!


New Member
Hello! My name is Tyler and I need some ideas of what to use to edit my videos! And to record them of course.


|Must be free
|Must be good for beginners
|No watermark.
Moved to the recording / editing / production / software / hardware forum. :)

Since Microsoft stopped Windows Movie Maker, there aren't many free editors any more unfortunately. I researched the same thing myself a while ago and I went with "Filmora". It costs $60 for a lifetime license, it's good for beginners and there are no watermarks. :)
How about Davinci Resolve ? Granted, it's an advanced one, but you can achieve simple editing quite easily with a little effort.
Also for recording if you have Nvidia graphics card download GeForceExperence then press Control+Alt+Z to open Nvidia shadow play, that's what I use. If you don't need any higher then 1080p 60fps use windows game DVR, that's what I used to use. Just make sure to go to start\WindowsSettings\ Gaming\GamDVR\ and set the max record leanth to 4hr audio quality to 192Kbps fps to 60 and Video quality to High. I don't recommend OBS unless you have a really good computer and stream (Like me).