I need help with video ideas D:

That's the spirit! You're right though, not many people do notice smaller indie games. That's why you should try your best to do the newer ones that are great, there's a better chance of people noticing them then. Anyways, you just have to keep pushing forward and continuously grow yourself a fanbase.
I'm glad I made this thread now cus I'm getting kinda inspired now about what I could do :O not just from yourself but from the others too :o I'm gonna look into the gaming and the challenges and the skills thing and maybe do random vlogs on whatever :) I'm just sick of the news :) hahahah
Hey guys! So I started youtube recently and I didn't know what to base my channel around so I thought I'd do weird news cus it's easier to get stuff to talk about but now I'm getting really bored of it and I don't wanna do news that much anymore. The only problem is what do I replace it with D:
If you do this, I will give the video a thumbs up
I'm glad I made this thread now cus I'm getting kinda inspired now about what I could do :O not just from yourself but from the others too :eek: I'm gonna look into the gaming and the challenges and the skills thing and maybe do random vlogs on whatever :) I'm just sick of the news :) hahahah

That's fantastic! Well, good luck with what you do, whatever it is. Feel free to ask anything else from me about gaming if you want, I'm quite experienced with it.
I see this post almost daily, and not to rip on you or anything, but when someone has a really good idea, we would do it ourselves. Youtubing is about sharing your creativity with the world.
I know what you mean yeah :P it was just a question I wanted to throw out there because I've been wanting to change for the past week or so
I know how you feel! Sometimes what you originally wanted to youtube gets so boring lol. I'm not the most creative tool in the shed, but I like what you were doing. With some better editing technique and equipment I'm sure you could be very popular. Consider me subscribed! Good luck :)
I know how you feel! Sometimes what you originally wanted to youtube gets so boring lol. I'm not the most creative tool in the shed, but I like what you were doing. With some better editing technique and equipment I'm sure you could be very popular. Consider me subscribed! Good luck :)
Thank you very much for that :)