Services I make simple intro's for free

I can make a simple intro for your (youtube) videos for free!. I'm talking about simple/creative intro's that are short. Think about simple text intro's not those hd flame explosion super effect stuff. The intro's i make will be 100% free all i want is you to put a link to my channel in the description :)

It didn't let me upload a video of any intro's i made.
on my channel is a example of a very simple/short intro.
hey man can you make me an intro, i can put a link to your channel in the description
Hi! If it's not too much i would love if you made a intro for my channel, it would look simplistic and look like my Avatar. My youtube is "MysticPing" If that isn't already too much it would be nice if you made a Channel banner too, non animated and simple, but only if you want! I would put your name and a link to your account here or your youtube account in all my videos containing the Intro and if you make a banner i will include credits in the "About" section aswell. Contact me by PM for skype or youtube. I mainly do Let's Plays but i might expand into coding games aswell.

I'm sorry if i broke any rules! And thanks for considering and reading this!
I would love to get a simple intro too please. Could I get my channel name "JoshiLikeYoshi" to appear, but at the start can it just have a "J" and "L" and then as it get's into the intro could it spell my full channel name please and then have the "Like" part land in the middle? Thanks in advance and I will credit your channel in the description of every video I use the intro in.
I really want to try to make all of you a intro, it will just take me a bit to get them all done. if you send me a message on youtube with the exact how/what you want i can see if i can make it! (because i was kind of busy today i don't know who still wants a intro and who doesn't)
I really want to try to make all of you a intro, it will just take me a bit to get them all done. if you send me a message on youtube with the exact how/what you want i can see if i can make it! (because i was kind of busy today i don't know who still wants a intro and who doesn't)
Sent my message on YouTube :D
You asked me in your message back if I have a style my logo is in. I have the file with the logo on it, but it has a white background on it which you could possibly remove. If not, then a font that is similar to the one I have would be good enough. Thank you.