I Have Ideas - Not Answers

Ralph Mickey

Well-Known Member
Over the past 25+ years I have led a very reactive lifestyle. Which means that instead of setting goals, I have dealt with whatever situations have come my way without an overall plan. This has allowed me to practice coming up with ideas to get out of whatever situation I was in at the time.

This is also why I have had trouble coming up with a YouTube channel idea for myself. Youtube is awesome but not that interactive - at least when you are first starting out.

When you are new there are no comments to respond to, no subscribers to talk to and therefore it’s impossible to be reactive. That is why “How to” videos do so well.

I don’t feel like I know one thing well enough to teach someone to do it. But I do seem to have a knack at giving people ideas on how to handle some situations or ideas on how to improve something.

I have had some ideas for myself like:
Go to forum sites and see what people are asking. Reply to them via videos.
Make suggestions for people about what ever they have issues with or questions about.

So basically, I think I need interaction.

I would like to get you opinions about this if you feel like chiming in.

I am sure there are sides to this that I haven’t thought of yet and don’t want to be blind sided by.

And if you have anything you want me to try out my idea on, feel free to message me or reply to this.