I have cammtasia, but its getting sucky, what else is there that can do the same things?

This is a tech support issue. If it used to be fast and now it isn't, your issue will be computer related. Is it just Camtasia that isn't as quick as it used to be?

For me it is. Its been lagging only in editing. It produces great. I think I stopped all the processes I possibly can but I should probably check now that I think about it.
For me it is. Its been lagging only in editing. It produces great. I think I stopped all the processes I possibly can but I should probably check now that I think about it.
mine was like that too, the way you fix that(kinda) is to turn the fps during recording down. the only problem there is that the time it takes to compress the video ends up taking forever, so you would go into tools(while the record the screen options are up) and then options, after that click the input tab. then click video settings, and (make sure the compressor is set to techsmith screen capture codec) click configure and turn the slider to faster compression. that should make your editing screen lag alot less.(it wont go away completely)