I have a few questions (containment thread)

As long as you don´t use the whole video, than you might get in trouble though! Is there a reason you want to do this? Since I think you want to do it, since you´re asking!
LeafyIsHere might have quit youtube, since I haven´t heard anything about him since the Content cop!
No, there isn't anything on youtube that says you can't argue, insult, or diss another YouTuber, and even if he didn't want the video up anymore, it isn't his decision, and he would have no jurisdiction over the video. You could make a video like this about anyone, just look at Memeulous and LeafyIsHere, they made plenty of those types of videos, and they didn't get into any trouble for them.
I'd have a look at this link before I made those statements...especially in the light of YouTube's current "squeamishness".

Harassment And Cyberbullying Policy
Huh? Plenty of Youtubers have second channels.

If your channel is terminated, you are forbidden from using or accessing any YouTube channel for the rest of your life. If one of your channels is taken down for cause, they will find all the rest of your channels and delete them as well.
That sucks! But I use my other channel for other stuff than just a backup, and If I did get banned on my main account for some reason, then I would post a video on my second channel directing people to a new account on a different platform that I would then post on.
Harassment and cyberbullying policy
  • Deliberately posting content in order to humiliate someone
  • Making hurtful and negative comments/videos about another person
Is doing a Parody of someone without mentioning his name and wearing clothes similar to his while contradicting his speeches considered against these rules?

If he reported me, i might get a punishment, how can i be safe ?[DOUBLEPOST=1544133801,1544130889][/DOUBLEPOST]- I also wanna ask this:
A Channel similar to How To Basics in which i will destroy things but this time with my face revealed, is it allowed to do so? like destroying a water mellon and fruits and food ? Is that allowed ? Seriously guys, i'm not a psychopath i wanna create a new genra of Cringe Comedy is that allowed ? I don't wanna face a strick or something, please i'm looking for a legal advice, there is no way i can get it beside here, i don't wanna end up with a problem.

Thanks for your understanding.