I feel like a failure.


I am a daily vlogger, and I am documenting my life every single day for 365 days (I'm 117 days in). I started with the intention of filming anything that happens during my day. I want to look back in the future and see everything I did on certain days.

I have got into really bad routines in the past, and found myself not vlogging really anything of what I did. In the past week or so, I have found myself back into this bad habit. I end up not vlogging anything during my day (and if so; not much) and before I go to bed I talk about what happened. I want to be able to show what happened, not talk about it.

This has caused me to not feel like my vlogs are up to potential. I personally find my vlogs bland and boring. I'm tired of being in this bad habit and I need to change. (You know the saying; the first step to a problem is admitting you have one).

So tomorrow I am going to try and vlog a lot more during my day. I hope I can keep my word. That is why I am putting it out on the Internet. I feel like if I put it out there for others to see, I have to keep to my word. If I don't keep to my word, I will feel like a failure.

Thank you if you actually read this, if you have any advice I would love to hear it. Anything to help me feel better about my videos.
well im kind of stuck in the same hole with my gaming videos i have goten out of my rutin and now i have not posted for the last two weeks :-/ so yea i know it,s hard but still good luck ;)
all i can say is i understand how hard it is to upload everyday..i did it for a few months and in anything it's just hard to do. but dude don't worry too much about it being boring or anything if you enjoy doing vlogging then keep it up! i hae a friend that vlogs every day also hes gone past 365 and is closing in on 2 years (he has to make a new channel so all his other videos are lost) but hes a very inspirational vlogger...hes on yttalk as well Jostendooley2 is his channel Look him up! you might get some Inspiration from him

i really hope everything goes well for you man! just keep at it :)
If you want to spice up your vlogs then may I suggest some special effects? I mean why not clone yourself, talk to your clones, debate with your clones? Assuming you have the programs to do such, just a suggestion to spice up the 'boringness'
I was uploading daily and I stopped, it was so hard. Good luck with your vlogs, I now realize how challenging it can be to do daily videos.
If you find yourself tired throughout the day, why not try and do a recap video about your day before you go to sleep. You can talk about what happened or what you plan to do the next day. If you feel funny you can allow your viewers to "join" you in your normal sleep routine like: cleaning, grooming, or making your bed. If you did something significant and are able to show the viewers you can introduce it at that time (new creation, new purchase, etc.). Hopefully this will prevent you from getting stressed out from the pressures of doing vlogs during the day.
That's very ambitious so I commend you on that. Good luck with your goal, at the end of it, you can at least say you attempted it versus thinking about it and never trying.