I don't know what to do...


So as some of you may know, I have a weekly shoutout series on my channel called "Subscriber Spotlight". I've done 8 episodes, and I am thinking about stopping the series, or changing the way I do it. Why? Because I feel like people are using me for shout outs. Part of the requirement is to be active. Once I give a shoutout to those active subscribers, they seem to vanish away. I no longer receive comments, messages, tweets, or even likes... nothing. Almost as if they were only being active to get the shoutout.

This is really sad for me, because I LOVE giving back to the community... but, if people are using me, should I really give them a shoutout? My views on my videos seem to be on a slow rise, but the amount of comments and likes have taken a nose dive. I don't know what to do anymore. Should I continue to do shoutouts, but only select those who I think really deserve it? Or should I completely just stop doing shoutouts all together?
Not to steal JohnKenShow 's format, but I think if someone is asking for a shoutout from you, they should submit some video footage for your video. That way you get content for a video and they make their own sale.

Sucks that you found some people have used you that way. I would stop if they aren't grateful.
Well. Personally, I never ask for shout outs for exactly that reason. People feel used. Of course if that's how you feel, then it's up to you to decide whether to stop.
But if you were to change the way you do it, maybe do a shout out over a longer period of time. Let people subscribe to your channel through videos, and if they stay active, then do a shoutout.
If I were you, I'd only do shout outs to people who have been subscribed for a long time. And rather than letting people ask for a shoutout, maybe pick a channel you like. One that caught your eye.

Sorry if none of this made sense! I've had a long, tiring, chocolate eating day... And it's 10pm so yeh.
Of course they're using you. I am sorry to say but 90% of the people who have subbed to you for such things are only doing so because they want promotion. This is the exact reason I never do them on my channel.
This has happened to me on my videos. I'm gaining subscribers and views but gaining less interaction on videos.
gosh that kinda sucks :/
it does sound like ppl are using you for just a shoutout tho.
maybe like if you do it in the future, have the same requirements, but pick someone that you know has been active with you for a while it might help?
personally i love your videos, and i love waffles :3 you should do 'a day in the life of waffles' like... a vlog from his veiw...
lol man i wana do that now :p hehe
keep up the good work xx
I think its better to screen shot some comments and paste them in video's you do. On the end for example.