I can't even, how.


Active Member
I have absolutely no clue how to create channel art, what's a free program/site I could use to make fantastic looking channel art?

Thanks :)
I like using paint.net for everything at the moment. As I didn't get photoshop, too expensive and I'm not good enough to use it. With the plug ins pack on Paint.net I've been able to do everything I want pretty much. Of course being free it has it's flaws, like not being able to edit text once you add it to a layer so you have to retype stuff.
Yeah, another vote from me for GIMP, which has a lot of advanced features like layers and stuff.

It's not that easy if you've been used to other basic graphic programs like PAINT though, but it is definitely worth learning because you'll be able to do loads of other stuff with it like custom thumbs and advanced photo editing.

Another free online graphics I recommend is http://pixlr.com/

Like the others said, the most important thing is to get the dimensions and specs right as per the official guidelines :up:
Sumopaint.com is also free with no singup or anything and a very good quality freeware! (Obviously it isn't as good as photoshop, but it's near enough)
As many people said, GIMP is a fantastic software for being free. No Photoshop Extended CC, but it gets the job done well. Search up tutorials on youtube, there are many good ones. You don't have to follow them, you can use them to get an idea of how to make a banner, then make your own.