Sorry, but the math does NOT check out, you are downright lying to us. Social blade stats show that you indeed have gotten some success recently but hardly something that is sustainable.
Your views and subscribers peaked last September at 277,000 views (which, with the 1-2 dollar per 1000 views means $277.00 to $554.00) and 2,760 subscribers. After that stellar month there was a decline (minus a little blurb in January) until April when you started gaining. This month seems to be a really good one according to social blade stats, but it most likely is yet another little blurb before you drop like a stone again. I look at the facts, and the facts don't lie. I wish you all the success in the world, but you sir are counting your chickens before they've hatched. Most of your videos are sub 100K views. You are no where NEAR where you need to be to make it sustainable.
To make minimum wage in the states you need at least 628,000 - 1,256,000 views a month. While you might make that this month, all the previous months have fallen way short of that. If you can live off minimum wage you are close. But I can tell you most people can't. Take another 6 month evaluation from this point on. If the growth continues you got a winner.
No one likes a lying sack. Especially when it is easy to uncover said lies. Try again grasshopper.