I am content creator in YT for more than a year. Still not able to get more than 10-15 views if I dont promote. Is there a view to reach more people?


New Member
I am content creator in YT for more than a year. Still not able to get more than 10-15 views if I dont promote. Is there a view to reach more people?
All subs are from s4s and nothing works out.
Not sure how to promote. I dont want to promote through google ads though!
I am content creator in YT for more than a year. Still not able to get more than 10-15 views if I dont promote. Is there a view to reach more people?
All subs are from s4s and nothing works out.
Not sure how to promote. I dont want to promote through google ads though!

Good and relevant question! Here are my thoughts and opinions on this:

When social media first made an entrance, it was basically enough to add a photo and get 10 000 likes, 4000 new subscribers and 200+ shares. However today the market is totally saturated. Even if you are creating high quality content with plenty of substance, it's kind of a "scream loudest to be noticed"-world out there now.

With that, I'm trying to say that unfortunately you won't get very far "just" by putting out content on YT these days, no matter how super-awesome it is. People simply won't see (or even worse, notice) it.

The only thing you can do is to scream. And loud! :) But be smart, because people tend to block loud people from different communities.

I personally use Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, #Shorts (on YT), Twitter (although I'm blocked there right now, ha ha) and Reddit to slowly sneak in my channel or my content in different discussions. It's a painfully slow process, but It has gotten me about 300 subscribers in one year.

The alternative is to create something that goes viral. But even then there's no guarantees. I know people that created content with 100 000+ views, and yet - nothing happened.

I think that's what most people mean by "you must love what you do". It's really hard work, and if you don't love it, then it can be tough to continue.

Wish you the best of luck with your channel and your journey!