Huge problems with my YouTube Channel. Need HELP!!!!!

Hi Crown, people are actually not subbing to me because I am subbing them. They actually appear by themselves on my channel, as I have no time to look for new subscribers and anyway, my channel is at a point now that it works by itself. The only thing is that I had to start asking them to subscribe to me first because that was the only way I could subscribe to them due to the message I get from YouTube that I have subscribed to too many people, which is not true, I learned that from my old channel. What they detected is a mystery to me. So, it is a lose, lose situation: I am not allowed to subscribe to anyone, whether they subscribe to me or not. New people appear on my channel, often asking me to subscribe (and they don't appear to have any problems), and I tell them, I can only do it if you do it first and even then I had to unsubscribe to an extra person or two. I have the feeling that there is some bug. Then I get a message that people have indeed subscribed to my channel but the number never, ever goes up.

What would be fair, is that if YouTube has any complaints they would, like many other sites, send a message and one could correct it because most of us have no idea of how it all works. This way it feels like they are just waiting in the shadows to catch you doing something they don't like, even if you have no idea what it is, can't defend yourself or even stop doing it.