Huff Post compilations

Dani Girl

You've all seen the compilations Huff Post does in their Lifestyles section. These have millions of views and they advertise on them.

They've used my video twice. Never asked. And while they do put the Youtube channel on each one, i think they are pushing it legally. These compilations are not news, they are leveraging content for advertisers, and should be paying license fees. Same with Yahoo.

I feel like media is going to continue to harvest content from creators until we step up and demand to be fairly compensated. It's like copyright laws don't apply to them.

Has anyone else had their videos used in these compilations?
You've all seen the compilations Huff Post does in their Lifestyles section. These have millions of views and they advertise on them.

They've used my video twice. Never asked. And while they do put the Youtube channel on each one, i think they are pushing it legally. These compilations are not news, they are leveraging content for advertisers, and should be paying license fees. Same with Yahoo.

I feel like media is going to continue to harvest content from creators until we step up and demand to be fairly compensated. It's like copyright laws don't apply to them.

Has anyone else had their videos used in these compilations?
I've never had a situation like that, but I have had someone steal one of my videos before on YouTube and upload it in worse quality than the original. I reported it and they took it down. Using other people's content without permission isn't cool. One of things you've got to figure out is that if it can, in any way, be considered as fair use. If so, then it would be really hard to do anything about it. Yes it's yours, but if there's a possibility that it can be considered as fair use, then it's gonna be really hard to fight it, especially since they're a pretty big company. If they were to claim that the video was theirs, then that's a different story. However, they did link your channel to the videos and it's relevant to their lifestyles section. People like RayWilliamJohnson have made a lot of money from doing stuff like this because it technically is covered via fair use.