You cannot believe how angry I am regarding AdRev for talent.
I will now explain to you how the scam is working, I got caught too into it and I am super angry. If anyone would like to start a petition and take it further please let me know because we have to tell people that they must be really careful upon signing anything with this company.
Here is how it works:
First, noone really knows the difference between and, most of us will believe it is the exact same thing because both urls have "", so when you receive a publicity about adrev(for talent), the first thing you do is go here to check what their service is about:
And here is the scam, it says "you keep 100% of your own video revenue", so the first thing you think about is..."great!" they will only take a commission out of me if they find another video like mine on Youtube...fairplay!
You signup here and like on most websites, you don't read the small text in that scroll box(and they know well you won't because there is far too much to read!)
And here we go, things started...
So, before joining Adrev, my daily earnings were about 7 to 10 dollars per day, out of this, Google takes about half, so if you earn 100 dollars at the end of the month, you receive 50 dollars in your adsense account.
But here is the scam, you would believe that partnering with Adrev would move this commission from Google to them but no no Adrev will take 45% of your net 50 dollars!!! This is just sick because they have not increased my revenues and still take a share of everything monthly.
Worse part cannot come out of the contract and find out you have signed up for a 3-year deal!!!!! Madness!!
How can, as a Video maker/owner, you cannot keep your own content for yourself and get pushed into a contract.
I have read their agreement further and it looks like the only way to cancel the agreement is to fully delete all the videos on that channel. Could someone confirm this please?
Now I hope you understand what the user of this post meant about not being happy with Adrev.
Hope this post will reach thousands of people in the same situation.
Please open a petition and I will gladly send it to many people on the internet. We need more regulations on this type of electronic signup, we need the important info written in BIG like they did for the Why did they not create the same table for Well I know why.....they just did not want you to show this bad info to you directly in an easy to understand format.
Please don't tell us to read all the small prints, you know well that marketers open multiple accounts each week on diferent websites and if we had to read every small prints on every single website we would never be able to advance with our work.
They should have detailed all the important info in big before the signup, this is disgusting!
Hope this post will help many others