How to stop being shy when recording my mic?

I have always been the awkward type, but when it comes to YouTube I'm so outgoing. But still, I'm extremely shy and awkward when I talk into my mic. When I look at my old videos from my old channel, I was loud and talked all the time. And back then nobody in my family knew I was a YouTuber!

Whenever I feel like recording, I always get worried that I'll sound dumb to my family. Everyone in my house knows that I'm a YouTuber though. They know exactly what I'm doing, but it feels so strange to me. Does anyone else at all feel like this? What are some methods to get my stuff together and be myself?

I have found the best way to do it is to think positive, I know it sounds cliche but trust me, think of something great that happened this week and let that be your guide, if you have a look on my channel I have alot of vlogging videos and I am not exactly socially confident. it takes alot for me to do vlogging and I am out in the middle of my city talking (rather loudly)

I have faith that you can do some great recordings and I look forward to seeing them.
Yeah I know how it feels exactly. When I first started to make videos a couple of months ago, my parents were like "Is our son going mad? How come he is talking to himself all the time in the room?" haha but trust me you will definitely get better over time. Just stay focused on doing what you love, listen to the advice from your audience, learn from your mistakes, prepare a script for your video if you have to and keep on grinding

Peace :)
i know i'm fairly new but all this advice is very good, My advantage is when i was in jh and hs I did drama and I love performing and entertaining. But talking on the mic at first you hear your voice and you realize you hate your voice. it will grow on you, secondly I use to just play a game and commentate in my head or out lloud with out a mic on and when I jumped into it, it seemed very natural.
People above me have some good advice , listen to them and my advice is to listen to some music before you start , relax and just record without thinking that you will sound dumb.