Down to business:
There are 2 ways of building your channel:
The hard way - Building your personal brand
The easy way - Taking a ride on already stablished brands.
Important things to know about youtube:
1)70- 85% of the people DO NOT read the video descriptions.
2)The video descriptions are not for people to read but for the youtube AI. (Technically Speaking)
3) KEYWORDS, you must use keywords - You MUST also use KEYWORDS that are MENTIONED in your video TITLE and DESCRIPTION
What happens:
When you first post your video, you have about 1-2 weeks of fame... Youtube will match up your keywords with searches being done on youtube. (This is a complex subject on is own, but you can google how to use keywords efficiently)
Youtube title - taylor swift safe and sound - Freestyle dance
Your description:
A Freestyle dance based on the song safe and sound by taylor swift (then you can write what ever you want and include your social networks the MORE you write the better.)
taylor swift, taylorswift, safeandsound, safe and sound, freestyledance, freestyle dance
See how all my keywords match my title and description... Google and you tube would use that as reference to connect people looking for similar keywords (typing them on search engine or youtube search) Use the Youtube Keyword Tool to find the best most searched keywords and phrases.
Hot keywords - taylor swift (searched over 5 million times per month on USA)
-Freestlye (searched over 2 million times a month on USA)
So your video is bound to get some of that action if done right ;-P
There is no magic to this, but a lot more work than just posting the video.
What happens after you post your video:
You should link it and share it with as much people as you can, because your keywords wont take effect for a few hours...
After a few hours your video will begin getting "IMPRESSIONS" meaning it will appear on search results. you can see this data on your analytics. However, you can only see where the VIEWS came from. So far youtube does not have a feature that lets you know how many times your video thumbnail has been seen (SUCKS). But I'm sure that for every 1 view you get, your thumb nail was seen at least 500 times.
What does this mean?
It means that your thumbnail or tittle is not very attractive. I suggest you experiment different things when you upload and see which videos get more views.
ADWORDS ---- Ohhh s**t he went there!
Adwords is a great tool to get more Thumbnail IMPRESSIONS.
With adwords you can target your audience with your specific keywords, and pay per full view only. Look up Adwords for video tutorials. I wont make one because there is plenty.
It's not expensive, I Myself have payed a maximum of 3 cents per view in campaigns for my self and customers. I have gotten deals as low as 1 cent per view.
If you need more information about Adwords or help contact me via PM - and I'll be glad to help.
I hope this helps.