How to Read from a Script, but Sound like You're Not?

I just have pointers written down and improvise. It definitely helps to talk to yourself throughout your day (when no-one is watching!) as it helps you become a little more comfortable with thinking out loud to yourself.

A Teleprompter app or something is good but you're still reading so practising how to sound natural comes from memorising the script before hand. Also, a teleprompter is placed just below the camera so you still appear to be looking into the camera, this might be difficult if you're at a desk.

Sticky notes are great for this!
I simply memorize little bits of pieces of my script and record those. Put a little emotion behind it and it sounds very authentic.

I'll have to try memorizing parts of the script. The whole thing at once seems too overwhelming for me.

I just have pointers written down and improvise. It definitely helps to talk to yourself throughout your day (when no-one is watching!) as it helps you become a little more comfortable with thinking out loud to yourself.

A Teleprompter app or something is good but you're still reading so practising how to sound natural comes from memorising the script before hand. Also, a teleprompter is placed just below the camera so you still appear to be looking into the camera, this might be difficult if you're at a desk.

Sticky notes are great for this!

Once I have the house to myself again, I'll have to start talking more. I've been talking to the cats, but nothing serious yet. At least I don't feel quite so silly if it's to my cats, but I suppose any practice is good!
I should mention that I get a small part of the script memorized, record it (of course with the emotion behind it), then stop, then repeat the process for the rest of the script. In other words, I have several clips of video that are anywhere between 2 and 16 seconds that I go chop up and edit. If that makes sense.
Learn the script, never read from the script whilst recording.
This, although honestly I don't think that you have to know the script like the back of your hand. When I make videos that are scripted I typically know about half of it so that I only have to glance at the script every now and then. If you have a general idea of what you are going to say then it won't sound like your reading off of a script. Also I would recommend that you move towards being less scripted if possible.
Interesting. I just replied to someone with a slightly similar question lol

A script greatly changes the way people speak. We automaticly apply a different tone and personality when we read off of a page. Where as if you dont have a script then you will find you will act more like yourself and will come across more natural.

The best way to read a script and sound more natural is to give your self either bullet points or very short scentences to remind you of the points you wish to put across. You will naturally become yourself and for the audience it would seem you are giving your own honest opinion.
Try not to be afraid of what you may or may not say. If you hold yourself back you will stutter in places or give yourself a memory blank and not know what to say at all. You can always re-record bits you dont like or cut it out for a possible funny out takes video.

Another tip. This may sounds silly and maybe obvious but dont record if you are not feeling happy that day. Your mood greatly affects your performance. If you are feeling very laid back then you will give a very laid back performance or just get bored. which the audience will pick up on and also become bored. If your happy then you will find your video is more welcoming and appealing to audiences, which will make them happy lol
Sorry for the essay. I will stop now as I dont wish to bore you. I can give more pointers if needed

Hope this helps
In my most recent videos (post Papers, Please I think), I record myself sitting at a desk, and with the monitor either not visible or turned in such a way you can't see what's on it. If you look carefully I turn the eyes and/or the face towards the screen to read something on the script I could not rember.
You can always break down your script into points which you can quickly refer to if necessary, and if you mess up just improvise. Just have a feel for what you're going to say, and it won't sound like you're reading off the script.
I would definiely just recommend and memorize your script until you remember most of it or all of it. then you should be absoluelty fine!
I took a communication this past summer and I learned alot. The trick is to do an outline. In the outline dont do complete sentences just put keywords in so that when you see those words , the sentence just comes out of you naturally. So for example : I Pre Ordered Destiny because I think it will be fun. Instead of putting it as a sentence you put it as this : Pre Ordered Destiny. The words would come out of your mouth with flow and you wont sound like a robot. There is a certain word that this is called but I completely forgot.