How to Make Attractive thumbnails fast?


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I need help for a quick way to make fast quality thumbnails. My process at current takes a little time. Can't do editing on it. It just creates an image. Any fast and easy software out there? Give me your thoughts on my current thumbnails. My channel PandaKidztv
Really just use photoshop, It doesnt take a lot of time to create basic looking thumbnails depending on your photoshop skill. I think there is a guide on how to make clean thumbnails in the branding section (may be wrong, but i think there is one on forums)
I agree with the others, download the photoshop trial off of their website. If not then the next best bet would be Gimp.
Yeah photoshop is the best. But you can really use anything just make a template to keep them consistent and speed up the process. Another piece of advice is use drop shadows and outlines on the text to make sure they stand out on any background.
Be neat if someone made a program specifically for YTbers and their graphic needs. It could have templates, possibly some built-in free-to-use brushes/effects/font style/etc.

BUT, until then, I think most people either use Photoshop (like me) or GIMP as everyone else has said.

Good luck! :)
I personally use Gimp; I am not very good with it but I think I get better each time I mess around with it so that is a plus!