How to make a Logo? (Like Jacks Gap)

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personally, I think some photoshop knowledge, a little time and some creativity and thought and you will figure out a logo in no time :)
yea photoshop and illustrator even gimp can do a lot keep trying i am sure u can get it made or find someone who can make it if u need any more pointer i am sure u can find lots here.
@brodielawrence I am extremely technologically challenged is there a way you could make one of myself and my friend as a sample logo?
Photoshop , is good software , for image maybe this is popular software , but how to use this software , might need knowledge , and i lack experience use this tool
It depends on how fancy you want to get but I like to make images and some quick graphics/logos on free options such as canva or picmonkey. If you know how to use photoshop already there is a free alternative - I forget the name but if you google it it will come up. I find the first two solutions I suggested pretty newbie friendly as Photoshop and Illustrator have a higher learning curve.
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